chapter 2

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u guys right after i started this book my bestie got a collapsed lung and is now in the hospital for her fourth surgery this isn't ao3 but y is the curse kinda real :

"I don't know how long this meeting will take so would you mind if I just called you when I'm ready?" Taylor asked, turning to her driver. Her head of security interrupted her driver's approval. "Ms.Swift, I think it would be best if you took at least some security with you," Greg responded. Taylor sighed. "I don't want to seem intimidating. This meeting is so important. I promise nothing will happen. I'll call you if anything happens but nothing probably will. We're just going to be in the studio. C'mon, please?" Greg sighed, glancing over to her driver who just shrugged. "And I told you to call me Taylor. I have Jack with me. We'll be fine. You know how important this meeting is to me. Please?" After a long pause, Greg finally turned to Taylor. "If anything happens Tree will have my head. So will Travis."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Nothing will happen. If you don't let me go alone I'm running away. And I mean it. If this meeting doesn't go well then Tree will have my head. I have my phone and Jack is with me. It'll be fine. Don't worry about Travis because nothing will happen. Greg, you know how important this album is to me." After a moment of silence, he gestured to the door. "If anything happens you call me right away, you hear me, Ms.Swift? I'm not joking. I know this meeting is important so you don't have to update me every couple of hours but the second you feel something is wrong you better pick up that phone. I'm only saying this because I know you're safe in there but nothing is protecting you from anyone. And I'm telling Travis and Tree you're alone no arguments." Taylor sighed in relief. "Thank you thank you thank you so much. Greg, you're the best." She said as she leaned to hug Greg. He stiffened initially then reached over and patted her back. "I'll call off the rest of the security but Ms.Swift, any foul play and you're out of there." Taylor nodded her head enthusiastically. "Of course, and call me Taylor!" She yelled out as she rushed out of the car, smoothing down her skirt.

She entered the studio, nodding greetings at the staff as she looked down at her phone. She waved hi to Jack as she skipped up to him. "Hey! Ready to crush this?" Jack chuckled. "Course Taylor. We don't even have to convince them. They're idiots if they don't want to be on this album." His smile turned to a frown. "Where's your security?" Taylor smiled. "I convinced them to let me go to this alone." She spoke quickly, interrupting Jack. "Security would be too intimidating Jack. It'll be fine. I know everyone here and you're with me. Let's go!" Taylor dragged Jack behind her before he could get a word in.

She opened the door and was met with 5 male faces, all seeming to be in their mid-30s to 40s and staring right back at Taylor and Jack. "Ms.Swift, Mr.Antanoff. Great to meet you both." Taylor smiled, reaching out to shake their hands. "Likewise. We're hoping that you want to be on this album." One of the men smiled back. "Well, from what we've heard, we're very impressed. No need to do any dilly-dallying." Taylor breathed a sigh of relief, nudging Jack who sat next to her, who smiled right back at her. "Why don't we deal with the boring business stuff first so we can make some music?" Another said, clapping his hands together.

So for 2 hours, they went over plans, collaborations, album promotion, album photoshoots. albumb covers, album art, and what direction the album was planning to take. Taylor wanted nothing more than to show them what she was working on but she knew this had to be done so she forced herself to be patient. "Ok, I think that clears all the red tape that we had to get past. Let's see what you guys have so far." Someone said, turning to both Jack and Taylor. Taylor beamed. "Of course! So-" She was interrupted by Jack's phone, looking up and stopping in the middle of her movements as she was getting her journal out. Jack's face filled with worry as he answered the call, Taylor pausing to look at him.

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