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I went to my parents' house since my father wanted to see me.

Joshua: Good morning father, I went here as soon as I received your message

Mr. Hong: Your time is almost up my son, he will be giving birth any time soon and there is still no progress.

I was so focused on winning my family over that I already forgot this conversation. So I have to say goodbye to my inheritance then huh.

Mr. Hong: You know the deal my son, you are losing your right to all my properties.

Joshua: I am aware father, however, I don't think DK deserves to be tied with me just because I coerced him, let alone just because of money.

I honestly told father my feelings. The few months I spent with DK and Wonbin was a hell of a roller coaster ride. We fought a lot, and had so many misunderstandings. We were just very different as individuals but nevertheless, I saw his heart of gold. How he is always there for his friends, how a wonderful papa he is to our son and even though he would always be grumpy when talking to me, he always covered me with a warm blanket when I fell asleep on the couch, how he would sometimes watch me sleep. He got through me without any trace of lust or desire, it was pure. It was love.

Joshua: DK deserves to be courted father, He deserves to be taken care of and loved. Living with him for a while made me realise how big of an idiot I was looking somewhere else when there is someone so pure and precious right in front of me.

Dad, I love my family, I am going to win them no matter what it takes. I will do it right, do it slowly and carefully so they won't feel burned by my overflowing passion to have them. I will give them enough space to think and decide while I just continue doing my job as a father and a partner.

Dad, I want to marry him for real, not just because we had kids and most definitely not because of your money... but because I love him.

My father started laughing so hard which got me confused.

Mr. Hong: So you already found your answer.

I looked at him with full of conviction, I saw how his smile grew bigger and stood up, gave me a hug and pat at the back.

Mr. Hong: I am proud of who you have become my son.

And with that, happy tears flowed on my cheeks.

Joshua: Thank you, dad

Mr. Hong: Now, go my son! get them!

He said as he gave me a fist bump, just like when I was still a kid. How I missed those days when my only problem were my school works. Coming from an affluent family, everything was given to me, more than what I need. But looking at my family, I wouldn't trade them for the world. I will always choose this life of bickering with DK and taking care of Wonbin and our soon to be child because despite being challenging, this is true living, this is my purpose and all of this... is love.

I went to DK's house to because I wanted to seriously talk about us. I guess it's time. I wouldn't force him to marry me nor anything but at least, I want to assure him before he gives birth, that I will be here, and I will stay.

I opened the bedroom door to see him sleeping on his side, the sunlight kisses his cheek and I can see his beautiful mole.

Just when I thought I will never ever look at a man like this but here I am, whipped... badly whipped. I guess maybe I am gay now, but only for Lee Dokyeom.

For him I got bent, and I am willing to bend even more just to satisfy him.

I lost control of myself and just gave him a peck on the mole on his cheek, my favorite part of his face. It is alluring, making me drawn to him. It hypnotises me in a way I love very much.

He slowly opened his eyes and gave me a very surprised look.

DK: What are you doing here?

Joshua: Admiring you...

It took him a while to let it sink in but I saw how he suddenly blushed. It was so adorable.

DK: If you came here just to play with me Joshua Hong I am gonna shave your head

I just laughed at what he said. Funny how before, we would already start fighting if he answered me like this because it pisses me off but now, he just looks too cute. He is pretty when he gets mad.

DK: It is not funny Joshua

Joshua: Who said I am messing with you?

I looked at him, now with a more serious expression.

Joshua: DK, I know I have hurt you so much in the past... I am sorry...

His expression became more serious as well, he looked as if he wanted to listen to what I was about to say so I continued speaking.

Joshua: Months ago, when I approached you and wanted to fulfil my role as Wonbin's father, and when I said I wanted to marry you... It was because my father forced me to.

I saw how he swallowed but he remained calm anticipating the next words I will say.

Joshua: He threatened me that if you give birth and another Hong grandchild is born out of wedlock, he will disinherit me and that would mean losing everything I had worked hard for... I hated that... so the next thing you knew, I am already at your front door, bugging you to allow me to be a part of your life.

He was about to speak but I was able to stop him before he even does because he is probably thinking something else now, he has to wait for me finish before he decides to do anything

Joshua: However, being with you and our child made me realise a lot of things. Both of you taught me what true happiness is. I discovered a part of myself that I never knew existed because of you, maybe that was a part of me that was made especially for you.

DK, Will you give this foolish man a chance to prove himself to you? Will you take responsibility for this previously straight man who got bent by your beautiful personality and pure heart?

I will wait for you no matter how long it takes, I will never rush you... but... will you let me stay by your side, take care of you and our children while you make your decision?

His hands started shaking, his tears started falling... his sobs became louder so I pulled him into an embrace. He was so warm just like how he makes you feel with his presence. I feel like the sunshine is caged inside my arms.

Looking back, this person had dedicated so many years of his life loving me without expecting any thing in return. Being treated like he never even existed just because of my disgust towards having same sex relationships. His love never wavered and remained pure. The love he showed me attacked me until my heart of steel melted. Probably the insults I threw at him were not really due to me being angry at him but actually a defense mechanism to deny that I am actually already attracted to him, falling for him.

I caressed his back to calm him down, I gave him another peck and whispered to his ears...

Joshua: I am sorry my Sunshine, it took me so long to realise.
Short update guys, I just thought I already wrote everything I want for the chapter...

Just a few more and we are done with the main story... thanks for reading... Happy 16 K reads my first baby ❤️❤️❤️

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