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"Come here honey, we need to hide, quickly!" Mother called.

I followed her down into a dark dungeon where we hid among the cobblestone. My hands trembled as I steadied myself and held my breath. I heard the low growl of the dragon, it was coming near.

In entered a young blonde man. His ocean blue eyes sparkled in the dark dungeon and he glowed magnificently. He wore heavy golden armor and carried a sword in his left hand and a golden helmet on his right.

He stopped at the top of the staircase and scanned the dungeon. After a while he went back up and a few minutes later my mother and I came out of hiding. We quietly crept up the staircase and my mother peeked outside to make sure the dragon wasn't there.

Suddenly a massive being swooped down and scratched my mother's face. She ran back down the staircase screaming, signaling to me to go back into hiding.

The man from before came down and stared at my mother with pure disgust. He put on his helmet and stuck his sword out towards my mother.

I wanted to scream. Beg him to let me take her place but I know mother wouldn't want that. So I watched as he stabbed my mother in front of my eyes. All I could do was silently cry.

How could he?!

He left the scene of the crime whilst I dashed over to my mother's failing body.

"Mother? Mother!" I screamed.

"Hush child, it'll hear you!" Mother warned.

"Where are the nuns and the maidens? Check on them. Make sure that beast hasn't done anything to them." She instructed.

"But mother... you're dying." I said in-between sobs.

"I know child. But we can't worry about this. I'm dying. There's no need for me anymore. You will take over now." She said, caressing my cheek and wiping away a tear.

"I'll always love you." I told her.

"I know you will." She replied.

I watched as the life faded away from her and then I left to go check on the maids and nuns.

"Is everyone here? Is everyone safe?" I asked, helping a nun up who had hidden under a table.

"Yes, but where is the madam?" The head nun asked.

"She's...the dragon got to her." I explained hesitantly.

The nun didn't ask for more, already knowing what that meant.

"Well it seems you have no one now. You'll stay with the orphan children in the further dungeons." She instructed.

"The orphan children? My mother was your madam and you make me one of the orphan children? I should be taking her place!" I snapped.

"You're too young, child. And she was never your mother. She only took you under your wing because you're beautiful, but frankly that doesn't matter to me. You're going with the orphan children." She demanded.

"No! My mother said that I will take over. Those were her final words! You can't go against them!" I argued back.

"That's enough Sister Beatrice." The head priest interrupted.

We both turned to look at him shocked.

"I will be taking her under my wing now." He informed.

The nun nodded her head, refusing to argue further with the priest. The priest took out his hand for me to grab, so I did. He took me to his quarters and sat down in a chair on the other side of a desk.

"There's something I have to admit to you." He began.

"I already know. I know that nun wasn't lying. I know I am not my mother's daughter. There's not even a resemblance between us mother really did say I would take over." I explained quickly.

He chuckled.

"My dear, your mother did choose you to become your daughter because you're beautiful, but it's not just that."

"Then what is it? What else besides my beauty could make her want me?" I questioned.

"There's a prophecy that the most beautiful in all the land will tame the mighty beast that murders its brethren for fun and peace will flow throughout the land once he is locked away. Celestinia, you are that beauty. Your mother knew it and that is why she chose you then and that is why I am choosing you now. You will save us all." He said, quoting the scripture that I had once read before.

It was written in an old dusty book atop my mother's desk. I was never allowed into her office but then I was a child and I dreamed of being that beauty. The beauty that could save my people. Now he's telling me that I am that beauty. I am the beauty that saves her people.

"Wait a minute. Brethren? The dragon kills its own brethren?" I queried.

"It's not often mentioned but yes, us humans are the dragons closest companion. Or at least, we once were. The dragon used to be human before it was cursed eternally to become a man killing beast. It kills humans because it is jealous of us since we get to stay humans and it must live as a disgusting creature. That's why only the beauty can tame it. The dragon has never seen anyone of your looks and it will grow jealous, but it will keep you safe. You are what it wants."

"It wants me? will keep me? Father are you saying I am to stay with that-that...thing for eternity?!" I asked with a gasp.

"I know it is a lot of me to ask but it is written in scripture. It must happen, Celestinia. Don't you want to save your people?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Of course I want to...I just...I'm frightened is all. You're asking me to let myself willingly be this thing's prisoner. For the rest of my life just because I'm beautiful?" Tears pricked my eyes and dared to fall down but I had to compose myself in front of the Father.

"I understand what you must be thinking but this will save you're people. Maybe it won't be so bad with him like you think." He said, trying to comfort me.

I nodded my head. He stood up and opened the door to take me to the nun's quarters. Once we arrived he began to head out before he stopped and turned around to speak to me once more.

"Just know you will become one with the dragon. Whether you've made peace with it or not. It's been prophesied, Celestinia. It would do you some good to accept the fact."

He left me there with the other nuns wondering what I should do.

"What do I do?"

Guys should I continue this?
If I do I can't guarantee it'll be updated regularly.
Maybe like twice a week, then once a month.
All over the place type shii
Also I do NAWT have a cover for this so ummm yeah?
I'll try to work on a cover dww
Anyways<333 luv y'all

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