Scriptures and Stones

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"Celestinia the Father has called you to his quarters! You must meet with him quickly!"Amelia, one of the nuns, yelled.

"The Father? But I'm not dressed yet!" I said worriedly.

"Get dressed! He expects your presence soon!" She informed.

I rushed to put on my habit and quickly walked to his quarters. Once I arrived I pushed open the door and bowed accordingly.

"Celestinia, you know what today is, don't you?" He asked, watching me.

"Of course, it's the day I become a Sister, a Cloistered Nun." I answered, my head still lowered.

"Then you should know your time is near." He reminded.

I nodded. Saying it like that sounded so dire so-so dreadful.

"Great. It's time now, let us be off." He said, standing quickly and walking out to which I walked behind him.

It was the first time I'd been out in the sunshine in so long. Us nuns only ever went out to pick apples or other berries for food. The maids got to do all the hard work like carrying dead bodies back to the dungeon or scanning the area if the dragon was suspected to be on his way here.

I watched lots of my good friends die over the years so I learned to never get too attached to anything.

"Celestinia, now that you are to be appointed a Cloistered Nun I believe you should be let outside beforehand. Then you will continue to live your life in the dungeon until we need you again."

"Really? Oh thank you, Father!" I squealed.

He raised his brow signaling to me to compose myself better. If I ruined today I'd never become a nun, at least not for another 9 years.

"You may go now, take this basket and anything you find interesting put in here. We will see what you've brought when you return." He instructed, letting one of the older nuns hand me a handwoven basket made just for me with my name written on it.

Blue and purple flowers were woven into the handle to make it extra special.

"Just for me."

I thought to myself.

I turned around and looked at the forest before me. Every fiber of my being wanted to race out but I had to keep myself cool and collected, to impress the Father. I slowly walked until I could no longer see them when I turned my back and then further. I walked through the trees and picked flowers of all kinds. White ones, pink ones, and red ones too.

Then I saw through the corner of my eye, a beautiful yellow flower, except it seemed more golden than yellow. I approached it carefully and kneeled down.

"Oh it's beautiful." I told no one in particular.

"Is it?" A voice behind me asked.

I gasped and stood up, turning around to see who it was that spoke.

It was a blonde man with ocean blue eyes. He wore a gray tattered sleeveless shirt that revealed tattoos underneath. He had one long gash across his eye, another cut on his lip and tiny scars everywhere else on him. On his arms were giant gashes that made me question just what exactly had this man done that earned him those scars.

"W-who are you?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"You don't know who I am?" He seemed almost angry at that.

"I'm sorry sir, but I truly don't know. Are you perhaps a priest?"

"I don't familiarize myself with priests. Do you?" He asked, staring deeply into my eyes.

"Um well..yes. I'm a nun or-going to become one. Yes, I'm going to become one." I corrected.

"Are you? Tell me, what's the name of your priest?" He asked, leaning down.

He was significantly taller than me, which I found strangely attractive.

" nuns don't know. Only the head nun is allowed to know his name. That and his closest companion I think." I clarified.

"Closest companion."

Those words reminded me of something and all of a sudden this man seemed familiar, too familiar.

"The dragon."

I realized.

"The dragon who killed Mother."

I gritted my teeth as I watched him speak.

"You're a beauty aren't you?" He asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Only a beauty will tame the beast."

Suddenly it came to me. I knew what I had to do.

I stepped forth and caressed his cheek. He shrinked back, an angry expression taking control of his face.

"What do you think you're doing?" He snapped, angrily.

"I'm's just...your face. How did you hurt yourself?"

"That doesn't concern you." He growled back.

"Right of course, my apologies. I shouldn't have bothered you. I'll be on my way now." I said, turning back around and reaching down to pluck the golden flower before I fled.

"Wait!" He yelled, grabbing my arm to keep me from grabbing the flower.

"That's poisonous. Don't touch it." He warned.

"Oh, thank you." I said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well I'll go now."

I could feel him watching me as I walked away. Finally, I returned to the Father and told him of my journey in grave detail while the head nun examined what I brought back.

"Father, you won't believe it! The dragon was there! I almost died! He looks so different from our last encounter."

"The dragon can take the form of many beings, it's no wonder. I advise you to be careful when you're out. Since you're the Beauty the dragon will naturally be attracted to you and find you easily when you're above ground. That's why I've kept you down there all this time." He explained.

"Yes, well that makes sense. Oh Father he was so scary! I thought he'd rip my heart out on the spot! I was lucky to get away when I did."

"Yes, well it's time for you to become a proper nun. Let us be on our way."

The ceremony took quite a while. The priest pulled out the things I brought back and described what kind of woman I'd be through them. Then I was finally made a nun. It was the happiest day of my life.

I raced back down the dungeon to tell Amelia of what happened.

"Oh it was the greatest thing ever! I was so happy! I couldn't believe it! They treated me all so nicely and the fresh air was brilliant! I can't wait before I get to go back out!" I said, exhaling happily.

"Back out?" Amelia questioned.

"Huh? Oh no it's just a silly dream. When the dragon is finally defeated I hope we'll be alive to see it. Then we can experience being in the outside world without any need to be frightened." I failed to mention the part where I would not be there to see it.

"Yes that is a silly dream. It'll never happen, Celestinia, you know that. Or should I say, Sister Celestinia?" She teased.

"Oh shut it! I'm hardly a Sister yet." I mumbled.

"Yes you are! Father chose you. You are a Sister whether you like it or not!" Amelia said giggling.

"I guess I really am a Sister now."

I only really write them at night cuz I'm usually busy during the day :(
But I am trying to write quickly so I can continue!
Anyways hope this was up to your standards
Luv you all<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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