EP 7: The Dream Prince and The Fairytale

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"What the hell are you saying! Muskan is Vaishnavi!?"

Vibinn and Abhishek grabbed a cup of milkshake and sat in the canteen after their classes. "Vaishnavi and I have been classmates since our primary school..." started Noothan with a sigh.

"Does she even know you were her classmate?" questioned Abhishek with a disappointed face.

"She doesn't even know I exist..." replied Noothan with a regretful tone.

"So was she the popular girl in school or the most beautiful one? I mean, why did you fall for her?" asked Abhishek with curiosity.

"She was neither the popular girl nor the most beautiful one, in fact, she was the most silent one. She had very few friends, and she rarely spoke to boys. She was pretty much reserved, yet she always had a cute smile on her face. She was exactly the dream girl I always wanted..." continued Noothan.

"But we had to part ways before moving on to high school. We had different blocks for boys and girls for classes after primary school, ultimately separating me and Vaish..." added Noothan.

"There was already a mental barrier between you and Vaishnavi, then the school added physical walls! That ends your story, hmm..." said Abhishek and took a sip of his chocolate milkshake.

"I would have forgotten her even before she became my fairytale if not for that Badminton moment..." told Noothan, taking a sip of his own.

"Badminton moment!? What is that?"

"We should play Badminton at least thrice a week! It is super fun!" Anupama told Bhoomika after enjoying an hour of play, while walking towards Anjali who was sketching something sitting on the stairs of the indoor stadium.

"What are you sketching, Anjali?" Bhoomika grabbed the sketchbook from Anjali, who was immersed in it. "Boo, give it back! Please!..." exclaimed Anjali. "By any chance, is this Aryarjun? No way!" said Bhoomika with a smile. "That is amazing, Anjali! I didn't know you draw so well! Aryarjun won't be able to help himself from falling for you after looking at this masterpiece!" told Anupama with a sense of appreciation.

"This isn't Aryarjun," told Anjali with a monotonous tone.

"Then?!" asked the confused Anupama and Bhoomika.

"Then one day ruined everything. If that one moment hadn't happened in my life, I would've been a happy man with no regrets," Noothan continued his heartbreak story. "I'm curious to know about the badminton event," said Abhishek.

"Ok, listen carefully, I won't be repeating it. There was a friend of mine whose name I won't mention. He joined our school for class 10. I don't know how exactly, but he and Vaishnavi became good friends; he also had her number, and they used to talk occasionally. We had coaching classes specially for the 10th standard students, which were conducted after the regular classes with a 30-minute break in between. He was a badminton player; he wanted to impress her by playing eye-pleasing unusual shots during the break in the school arena, and she did come and watch him play. He didn't know that Vaishnavi was my crush, as I told you nobody in my school knew it. One day, he called us to hype him up in front of her while he was playing those glory shots. We did; we were screaming and cheering for him. Vaishnavi came and sat to watch him play as always. I was too involved in the game, but for a moment, I thought to look at her. Listen carefully! I thought to look at her only to find that she was actually looking at me and giving a gorgeous smile; it felt like she was admiring me as any girl would admire her crush... and it really felt like she actually came to see me and not my friend..."

"That is not him, and you can relax," Anjali grabbed her sketchbook back with a sign of slight anger

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"That is not him, and you can relax," Anjali grabbed her sketchbook back with a sign of slight anger. "We're really sorry if we are wrong, Anjali, but who is it then?" asked Anupama. "This is a sketch that I drew back when I was in school. I was actually sketching you both play Badminton, then I looked back at my older sketches before you guys took it away from me," explained Anjali.

"You told us Aryarjun was your first crush, then who is this guy? Is he your brother, or did you lie to us?" asked Bhoomika. "I did not lie to you. Yes, Aryarjun is my first crush, and this guy in the sketch is not my brother; he is the boy from my dream," told Anjali and started walking away.

"Boy from your dream? Wait, you get boys in your dreams!?" asked Bhoomika, following her.

"That dream is the only dream that felt real, and I remember it even now. I was having a nightmare, was chased by a giant monster, and I thought I would die. Then came a prince-like figure, and he destroyed the monster and saved me. Soon, I woke up. I knew I would forget his face, so I drew his face as much as I remembered from the dream. The highlight I remember of him was his shiny golden locket..."

"So is that guy just a boy from your dream or your dream-boy?" asked Anupama

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"So is that guy just a boy from your dream or your dream-boy?" asked Anupama. "I don't know if I have romantic feelings for that boy, but I do have gratitude for him even though it wasn't real. He was there when I thought I had no one to help me. I really respect him a lot. Now I'm feeling hungry; let's have something from the canteen," said Anjali. All three entered the canteen, ordered burgers, and sat at the table waiting for them to arrive.

"That smile ruined everything. If not for that killer smile, I would've forgotten her thinking she was never going to be mine. But now, every day, I regret not being able to talk with her. I should've at least been friends with her. She was the perfect girl. But I know my limits; I'm anxious and nervous while interacting with the opposite gender. I cannot even make eye contact with them..." Noothan continued his regret story.

"Oh my gosh! It cannot be! Anjali, look there at the diagonal table, it's Aryarjun! This cannot be a coincidence. Destiny is playing its role. It was you, Anjali, who brought us here, and now you have to talk with him. Come on, it is your best chance!" told an excited Anupama. "How about showing that sketch to him? It would be a great starting point! Give me your sketchbook, Anjali!" asked Bhoomika. Anjali, who had the book in her hand, tore out the sketch from it and handed over the book, "No way I'm showing this to a boy. This sketch is special to me, and no way I'm going to talk to him; you both know I can't." Bhoomika was stubborn; she snatched the sketch from Anjali, and Anjali immediately reacted by trying to take it back. The sketch got off her hand, and the wind carried it to the opposite table...

"Hey Noothan! Look at this poster! I think you are on the wanted list! It's your sketch..." Abhishek took the sketch that landed on their table and then handed it to Noothan. "It's no way me; you are just pulling my leg, but still it's a great sketch!" Noothan scanned the sketch with curiosity.

"Get my damn sketch back, Bhoomi!" exclaimed Anjali. "If I'm going to take it back from them, I'm then handing it over to Aryarjun..." replied Bhoomika. Anupama, looking at them like a mother looking at her quarreling children, decided to handle the situation. She went to Vibinn Noothan and requested him to give it back. Noothan, looking at the girl, immediately gave it back and looked away.

"It's a great sketch," complimented Abhishek. Anupama gave a smile and went back.

Noothan thought to take a glance at the opposite table, to find Anjali already looking at him.

"She is definitely not looking at me. I'm not going to fall for it again," whispered Noothan.

"Wait, doesn't he look familiar?..." told Anjali who continued to stare at Noothan...

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