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The sun rose above the horizon, its warm rays shone on the giant demon skull overlooking the misty village of Hage. The cries of infants were heard from the village church where Father Orsi approached three baskets with a kind smile.

He picked up two baskets before turning his head to the church doorway. "Law! Come over here, I need your help with the last one."

A pale-skinned boy wearing a fluffy white hat with black spots emerges from the church. He noticed the baskets and sighed. "Do we have to, Father?"

"Patience, my boy. Everything happens for a reason," Father Orsi assured.

Inside his humble bedroom, the middle-aged priest used his flame magic to reignite the fireplace and provide light and warmth.

"There we go," Father Orsi said before stretching his back.

"Finally, I just got these three to be quiet," Law muttered, sitting on the bed next to the baskets in a row.

"Do you think they are brothers?" Father Orsi asked as he bent down to inspect the three babies.

"I doubt it," Law replied skeptically. "They don't even sleep the same way." True to Law's observations, Father Orsi could tell the difference between the three babies through the manner of sleep and their physical appearance.

The one on the right had dark hair and fair skin and was sleeping quietly. The one in the middle had spiky ash-blonde hair and looked like he was having a pleasant dream, with his arms and legs flailing about. As for the last baby on the left, aside from the tanned skin and scruffy black hair, he was snoring loudly with a large snot bubble which disgusted Law enough to make him avert his eyes from that last basket.

Father Orsi gently pulled back the blanket of the first basket and read the formal cursive writing on the baby's shirt. "Yuno," he whispered. His eyes then shifted to an object lying on the cushion near Yuno. It was a mysterious golden chained necklace with a blue stone decorated with the image of a white cross and four stars.

Orsi gazed at the blue jewel for a bit before greeting the second basket with a smile. "Then this little feisty one must be..." He was interrupted as the baby suddenly kicked his nose with an excited cry, knocking the priest off balance. "Father Orsi!" Law yelled with shock.

The sound of Law's voice made the third baby's bubble pop, waking him from his sleep. Law flinched and braced himself for the possible crying. But instead, the baby simply looked at him with innocent brown eyes. Then out of nowhere, the baby started laughing.

Gripping his bloodied nose in surprise, Father Orsi stood up and saw the joyful laughter affecting the other two infants. The ash blonde-haired baby began giggling alongside his bedmate while Yuno smiled peacefully in his sleep. 

"What's up with that brat?" murmured Law to himself, perplexed as to why a baby would laugh after being abandoned by its parents. Intrigued, Law pulled back the baby's red blanket and caught sight of the name on its little white shirt. "Luffy."

Law was distracted by the name until his arm was suddenly grasped by a little hand. "What the? Oi! Let go, you little pest." Law yelled in a whisper. He tried to pry the fingers but little Luffy kept his grip and continued to laugh. Smiling at the sight of Law being animated for the first time since he arrived at the church; Father Orsi quietly chuckled to himself. He wiped off the blood of his nose and finally read the last baby's name.

"And this feisty one is Asta". 

And with that, he proudly welcomed the newest members of the church household. "Right, you three won't need to worry anymore. Starting today this church is your new home, Luffy, Asta, Yuno."

{Author Notes: Hey everyone, welcome to my new story! Unlike "My FairyTail," there is no bio page because I want to get straight to the story and try a different writing style for this one. I'll provide some lore background in the author's notes in the following chapters. And there will be anime openings in this story.}

{Also Author Notes:  Law is five years older than Luffy, Asta, and Yuno and arrived at the church a year ago. There are other One Piece characters in this story but I will reveal them as we go along. }

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