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When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, savior and a lost cause. But Hope has learned that the only real difference is just who's telling the story.

Hope Mikaelson comes from a long line of villains, at least, she used to think so, but not anymore. The Salvatore School once protected the secrets of people like Hope, and now they use those secrets to protect others, because they are the heroes.

And, today, they will be opening their doors to the next class of supernatural beings, to teach them to be heroes, too.

The students all gather in the great room, anxiously waiting to welcome the new students as they begin the next school year, and Caroline, the head mistress, joins them, much to everyone's surprise, since she wasn't supposed to arrive back from Europe for another week. "Alright everyone, first impressions last a lifetime, and seeing as many of you are immortal..." She smiles as her eyes land on Hope.

Hope thinks to herself, If Caroline is back, does that mean...?

"Hope?" Caroline's voice interrupts her thoughts and gains her full attention as she asks, "Would you do the honors?"

The corners of Hope's lips upturn into a soft smile, and she nods.

She turns and begins making her way to the grand entrance, opening the doors from the inside, revealing all of the newest students and supernaturals outside.

She steps outside, ready to greet them all.

But when her eyes are suddenly met by familiar warm brown orbs, she pauses.

Josie Saltzman stands there, her heart-shaped face framed by loose waves of brunette hair that seems to dance in the late summer breeze. For a moment, the world seems to fade away, leaving just the two of them, locked in an intense stare.

"Welcome home," Hope manages to say, her voice steady despite how her mind races, and the students begin to file into the building around them.

"Hope," Josie breathes, having forgotten to for a second, and she smiles involuntarily, "Hey–"

Before she can finish her greeting, Lizzie nearly tackles her, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Josie! I missed you so much!" Lizzie says, squeezing her twin tightly.

Josie laughs, though the sound is muffled by her sister's embrace, and she wraps her arms around Lizzie, her eyes still remaining locked to Hope's.

"Alright, let your sister breathe, Elizabeth," Alaric suddenly joins them at the entrance, hugging his daughter when Lizzie finally releases her, "I'm glad you're back, sweetheart."

"Thanks, dad," Josie says as she pulls away, and other students begin to crowd around them to greet her with warm smiles.

"Josie, welcome back!" MG calls out, stepping forward to give her a quick hug.

"Hey, MG," Josie replies, her smile widening as she returns his hug.

Cleo follows, offering a warm smile. "It is good to see you again, Josie."

"You too, Cleo," Josie replies to her.

Suddenly, Finch appears, rushing to help her with her bags, but clearly struggling with the weight. "Here, let me get these for you," Finch offers, straining to lift a single suitcase.

Hope steps forward, effortlessly picking up two of the heaviest bags. "I've got these," she says, her tone light yet firm. She forces a polite smile, "Go ahead and start with the tours. I can catch up with you."

Finch nods, seemingly relieved. "Okay, but I still want to hear all about your trip, Josie."

Josie nods slowly, her gaze flickering to Hope's briefly as MG adds, "Yeah, not everyone was lucky enough to visit you in Europe like Hope."

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