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Lizzie drags Josie back toward the group, with Josie chancing a glance back in the direction of the Tribrid, though the trees block her view. She wears a small pout on her lips as Lizzie drags her to sit by her side around the fire, where the rest of the group was starting to regather, laughing and chatting not knowing what had happened on the other side of those trees.

MG looks to his side at Lizzie, then to Josie as the blonde pulls her to sit down, basically holding her hostage there. He raises an eyebrow at the two, "Everything okay?"

"Just peachy," Lizzie replies to him, her tone holding her usual sarcasm. She hands Josie a drink before drinking out of the bottle herself, and she downs a quarter of it in practically one gulp.

Josie lets out a small sigh at that. And finally she looks up and notices that Hope, too, is rejoining the group, sitting back in her previous seat, but not without sparing a glance in the brunette's direction.

Their eyes meet briefly, and despite everything, a small smile tugs at the corners of Josie's lips.

Lizzie looks between the two of them, noticing the subtle exchange and actually groans.

Ethan, completely obliviously, grins, "Ooh, we should play a game."

Lizzie immediately raises her hand, "I have a game."

"Oh no," Hope mutters under her breath.

Of course, Lizzie ignores that comment, "How about truth or dare?" She glances around the group at everyone, who all nod at the suggestion, and lastly her eyes land on Hope, whose eyes are annoyingly back on Lizzie's twin.

MG shrugs, "Why not? Who goes first?"

Lizzie opens her mouth to speak, but someone else beats her to it.

"Ethan," Kaleb says, "Truth or dare?"

Ethan smirks, "Dare, obviously."

Kaleb's grin widens, "I dare you to jump in the lake, clothes and all."

Without missing a beat, Ethan stands up and sprints towards the lake, diving in with a loud splash, and several people around the circle erupt into laughter as he returns, dripping wet and grinning as he removes his soaked shirt.

He stakes off water like a dog, annoyingly spraying everyone around his side of the fire with water. "Okay , my turn. MG, truth or dare?"

"Truth," MG says safely, not wanting to have to jump in the lake again.

Ethan thinks for a moment, "Is it true you once serenaded Jed with a Justin Bieber song?"

MG groans, "Unfortunately, yes it's true. It was a bet, and I lost."

"Okay, my turn," Lizzie suddenly says, unable to keep her mouth shut any longer, receiving a few odd looks around the group because it's definitely MG's turn. But Lizzie explains that since they are a couple, they share the turn.

Lizzie turns her gaze toward Josie, and Hope has to bite her tongue, wanting to redirect Lizzie's attention elsewhere.

Lizzie asks, "Josie, when you left Mystic Falls, where did you go?"

Cleo pipes up, "Um, you did not ask her 'truth or dare'."

Jed, confused, adds, "That's a lame question, we already know the answer. She went to Belgium."

Lizzie narrows her eyes at Josie, who subtly squirms in her place, trying to avoid her gaze. The blonde nods, "Yes, but you went somewhere else first, didn't you?" She knows because she saw the ticket. "Where did you go?" she urges.

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