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It took her a lot longer to unpack than it should have, thanks to a million thoughts of a certain auburnette in her head, the memories of their time together in Belgium.

She lets out a long sigh before falling back against her bed and closing her eyes, allowing herself to be swept away by the memory. She can still feel the way Hope's lips felt against hers, the warmth of her touch, the electricity between them. The way Hope whispered her name, the urgency in their kisses, the way they fit together so perfectly, like two puzzle pieces finally coming together.

Josie opens her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest, just as it did on the night she slept with her best friend.

Her fingers twitch at the hem of her shirt, feeling the heat rising between her thighs, and she clenches them together tightly, trying to fight her desire for Hope.

She chews on her bottom lip, remembering how Hope took it between her own teeth that night...

Just as she begins to inch her hand lower at the thought, there's a soft knock at her door.

She sits up quickly, running her hand through her hair as she clears her throat. "You can come in," she calls out.

The door opens, and Alaric steps into the room, a smile on his face, "Have you finished unpacking?"

Josie nods her head, mirroring his smile, "Yeah. I was thinking I might go downstairs and bake some cookies for the new students while everyone is tied up with orientation."

Alaric nods, "That sounds nice. Try not to be too long though. Your mother and I decided we're all going to have dinner tonight, since everyone is finally back together."

He is already about to make his way out of the room, but Josie's voice stops him, her eyebrows knit together, "Everyone?"

He turns back to her and nods, "Yes, everyone. You, me, Lizzie, your mother, MG, Kaleb, Jed, Ben, Jen, Finch, Cleo, Hope...everyone. Is that alright?"


"Jo, you've been locked in there all day. Can we please just talk? I have to leave tonight and you've barely said two words to me since I got here," Hope said from outside Josie's bedroom door, with no reply.

She sighed, "Can you at least come out to have dinner? I made your favorite pasta..."

She waited a moment for Josie's reply, which never came. She deflated, "I'll just leave you some on the stove."

Josie had been mad at Hope for the past few days since Hope's arrival in Belgium. Hope came from the Salvatore Boarding School, after nearly two months of the silent treatment from the brunette, in hopes of repairing their relationship after everything that happened, but Josie was having none of it. She avoided Hope whenever possible, only speaking to her if absolutely necessary.

The tension in the house was palpable, the few interactions they shared were filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Josie was rightfully angry, hurt, and so many other things whenever Hope was around.

But, with Caroline away for the night, after hesitantly leaving to go recruit a new student for the school, the small house felt even emptier. Josie had been locked in her room since her mom left, and it was driving Hope crazy.


Josie's heart skips a beat at the mention of Hope's name, though it was to be expected. She forces a smile and nods, "That sounds great."

Alaric gives her a warm smile before he leaves the room. Josie takes a deep breath, hoping that her baking will calm her nerves.


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