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Josie stands in front of the mirror in her room, applying the final touches to her outfit. She's only wearing a simple sundress, with her hair naturally wavy. When she finally clasps the chain of a certain talisman around her neck, her fingers trace over the patterns of the pendant and she takes a deep breath, remembering when Hope gifted it to her.

Josie thought things between them were complicated then–having to hide her attraction and interest in the Tribrid for so many years. But their estranged relationship before doesn't even compare to the tension she feels around Hope now.

Her all-consuming thoughts of the auburnette are interrupted when the bedroom door opens and Lizzie enters the room, "Why are you getting all dressed up?"

Josie finishes putting in her stud earrings as she replies, "I'm going into town for a bit."

Lizzie furrows her eyebrows from her place on her bed, "With who?"

"Finch," Josie answers simply, and she doesn't miss how Lizzie looks even more confused as she now sits up, studying her twin.

"So, are you two, like, getting back together?"

Josie lets out a sigh as she shakes her head, "I don't know."

Lizzie tilts her head slightly, "Well, what do you want to happen?"

Josie purses her lips in thought, "I don't know. I guess that's what I'm hoping to figure out."

Lizzie nods slowly after a moment, and Josie is surprised Lizzie doesn't voice her opinion on this–that it's very clear Josie doesn't really want to be with Finch.

Lizzie only lets out a sigh before reaching over to her nightstand and grabbing a small device from the top of it. And that's when it's Josie's turn to look confused.

Lizzie pulls the device close to her mouth before pressing the small button on the side, "Heretic to Tribrid, over." Lizzie pulls the device away from her mouth, waiting for a response, while Josie raises her eyebrow in amusement.

"You're using a walkie-talkie? Seriously?"

Lizzie grins, "Yeah, we all got them while you were in Belgium. I put yours in your drawer. They're actually pretty fun, like our own little super-squad communication system. Cool right?"

Josie shakes her head with a soft smile, "I guess."

Before Lizzie can respond to her sister, they both hear a voice come through the walkie-talkie, "Tribrid speaking."

Lizzie falls back against the bed, getting comfortable as she replies, "Come to mine and Josie's room, over."

Josie furrows her eyebrows at her twin, "Why exactly is she coming over here?"

"Because I need her for something," Lizzie responds, making Josie even more curious until she hears a knock on the door only a second later.

"Come in!" Lizzie shouts unnecessarily loud, and the door swings open for Hope to step inside.

"What do you–" Hope words trail off as her eyes land on Josie. The brunette stands to her feet, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks under Hope's intense gaze, raking up and down her entire body, eventually landing on the talisman around her neck for a prolonged second.

It feels like an eternity passes in only a second before Lizzie unknowingly interrupts, snapping Hope's attention back to herself. "Can you get me some ice cream?" Lizzie asks nonchalantly as she sits up to look at the Tribrid.

"Really?" Hope's voice drips with annoyance, "That's why you called me in here?"

Lizzie nods, "Yes. So will you?"

Hope gives the blonde an incredulous look, "No. Go get it yourself."

Lizzie deflates, "Fine." She groans dramatically but leaves the room.

Josie expects the Tribrid to leave as well. But Hope crosses her arms, leaning against Lizzie's dresser as she watches Josie start putting her shoes on. The brunette can feel Hope watching her intently, but she doesn't dare look in her direction, knowing she'd melt under her gaze.

"So," Hope says after a moment, "you're actually going out with Finch?" Hope asks, though it comes out as more of a statement than a question.

"We aren't 'going out,'" Josie nearly rolls her eyes, "We're just catching up. We have a lot to talk about."

"Like the fact that you seduced your best friend?" Hope mutters, though her voice clearly reaches Josie's ears.

Josie whips her head up in an instant, her eyes wide, "What?!" She points at Hope, "You were seducing me!"

Hope scoffs humorously at the accusation, "You kissed me first."

Josie argues, stepping closer to the Tribrid, "Well, you didn't have to put your tongue down my throat."

Hope leans away from the dresser now, stepping closer to the brunette, "And you didn't have to open your mouth to let me." She steps dangerously close to the brunette, watching as her chest rises and falls in anger now, but Hope only wears her subtle smirk as she reaches a hand up to grasp Josie's jaw gently. She adds lowly, "And let's not forget where your tongue has been."

Josie opens her mouth to argue, but the words die in her throat. In fact, she might've completely lost the ability to breathe.

Hope watches as Josie's pouty lips part, and her brown eyes dance between Hope's eyes and lips, nervously, enticingly.

Hope grins, making Josie's insides clench, "Nothing else to say, love?"

Josie's breath hitches at the familiar nickname. The memory of the first time Hope called her that suddenly flashes through her brain.

The sudden heat in her body doesn't dissipate as Hope releases her hold on Josie's chin, nor as she steps away from the brunette altogether.

She hardly registers the door to the bedroom opening again, with Lizzie entering, a large bowl of ice cream and a spoon in her hand. She thankfully doesn't look in Josie's direction, too focused on shoving ice cream into her mouth to notice how red and seemingly out of breath Josie has gotten in the past few minutes.

"Hope, can you stay and hang out with me since Josie's leaving with Finch?"

Hope's eyes don't even look away from Josie's darkened gaze. Her eyes narrow at the siphon as she replies to Lizzie, "Sure, sounds like fun." Hope then tells Josie, "I'll keep your bed warm for you."

It's Josie's turn to narrow her eyes, clenching her jaw as she fights the urge to argue with the Tribrid any more, but Hope's eyes dare her to say something more.

She doesn't cave to Hope's gaze this time, instead going to get her purse while Hope makes her way over to the bed. Lizzie continues to talk to her with a mouthful, "Hope, are you coming with everyone to the falls later? Ethan and Maya are meeting us there to hang for a bit."

Hope grins as her eyes stay on Josie, practically watching her expression grow impossibly more irritated in a split second, "You bet."


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