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thank you everyone for the support! :) comment down the way <3

"Does this look okay on me?" Y/n fidgeted, as he preened in front of the mirror. A mask was slathered on his face, a cucumber was falling from his eyes, and the suit he was wearing felt heavy on his skin.

Aruna and him would go on date nights on some days a week, but for some reason, Nadia had insisted him to—put a little more effort in his dressing. Her words, not his. And Y/n didn't know what she meant by that: the suits that Aruna constantly bought for him were horrifically in the thousands, the watches that Aruna clasped on his wrists were in the tens of thousands, and Aruna had gotten him rings on several occasions. So safe to say, when Nadia said that, Y/n was horribly confused.

"Passable." Nadia clicked her tongue.

"I don't even get why you dragged me here to do this whole skincare regime. I already have a whole bunch of products that I probably won't finish from the shopkeepers."

At the wee hours in the morning, Y/n found himself getting dragged to Nadia's apartment. Her luxurious home clicked in his head when Y/n realized that she was a billionaire. Meanie. And then a bunch of people had started to swarm around him, doing some Patrick Bateman shit: intensive oils slathered on his skin, his hair being styled of whatever, and...

I don't know any of this, Y/n thought. But he couldn't deny that it was strangely comfortable, except that he hadn't seen Aruna. At all.

"So," Nadia ignored the question. "That Aliya girl got her ass handed, right?"

"Yeah." Y/n said, his voice muffled. He didn't want to open his mouth too wide lest he started to taste the mask on his face, situated below his nose and above his lips. "Aruna was pretty mad."

Nadia laughed. "You mean really mad."

Y/n shrugged.

"So? How about your two other buddies?"


"You know," Nadia wiggled her eyebrows. "Those two."

Right. Caspian. Jin. Y/n was going to pretend they didn't exist. But they seemed to have gotten the hint, the clear, glaring hint, and hadn't approached him. Except for professional emails sent by Caspian regarding the whole muse painting thing, there wasn't anything else. ("He's wallowing," Nadia whispered. "He really liked you.")

And Jin?

Y/n suspected Jin never really liked him in the first place. It was like, forced attraction.

"Fine, I guess." Then Y/n frowned. "You know, you haven't exactly answered my question."


"Come on," Y/n frowned. "I was supposed to be going on my date with Aruna, you know."

"We're preparing you for that."

"No, you're delaying me from it!" Y/n grumbled. "Ugh. All this needless extra work isn't going to do anything!"

"You sound just like a rich person."

"I'm not," Y/n sniffed.

"You even have that haughty sniff now. Aruna's really treating you well, isn't he?"

Yes, Aruna was treating him well—so well that everyday Y/n started to doubt how the fuck he got so lucky and literally went from rags to riches—but he still had the habit of buying nearly expired food from the convenience stories, or checking discounted clothes instead of buying normal ones. Most of his closet before he had Aruna were either thrifted, or had some liberal statement on it discarded by some feminist: men to the left, because women are always right! But whatever. The point was, being broke had always been ingrained in his brain. He couldn't just shake his habits off.

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