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It's May 14th which means it's the last day of school finally! I'm in math class at the moment and that means when the bell rings we get to leave, i'm sitting by my best friend Lainey watching tiktok on our phones when Mrs.Morgan says "girls, put your phones away" what no its the last day of school, well she wasn't happy with that response and confiscated my phone but not Laineys because she listened to her. Then i hear my name being called "Presley I'm informing your parents they can get your phone from the office at the end of the day"Mrs.Morgan says, great I'm more then likely going to get in trouble with my parents but even more trouble with Taylor because they tell her everything that is going on with me.

The last 20 minutes of school went by so slow but finally the bell rings FREEDOM from this hell whole, I walk into the office and mom is already in there an she doesn't look happy"Presley lets go now" mom said so i follow her quietly out the car where none other then my sister Taylor is sitting in the car i was so excited to see her until I noticed how frustrated she looks. I don't understand why Taylor always seems so much more irritated about things than our parents when things happen.

I'm not even all the way in the car when " Presley what the hell were you thinking? you get your phone taken away in the last 45 minutes of school" Taylor practically yelled at me " two things Taylor, First thing everyone else was on their phones i just happened to have the volume on and told Mrs. Morgan no when she tried take it, Second thing last time I checked you aren't my mother so don't yell at me" when i finished my statement i saw a flash of hurt then changes quickly to anger "Presley, I may not be your mom but I know how stupid it is to get in trouble on the last day of school"Taylor says back I decide its best not to response to her an just put my earphones in.

Taylor pov

I got to my parents house in Nashville about an hour before Presley's school is out for the summer. I was going with mom to pick her up from school to surprise her since I haven't really seen her because of the tour, anyways back to the topic at hand.

Mom and I were chatting when her phone rang, while on the phone i saw mom roll her eyes "you have got to be kidding me" she says to whoever shes on the phone with then she said "thank you, I'll grab it when i pick her up" and with that she hung up the phone "you'll never believe what Pres did" I response with "what" "she got her phone confiscated, only that child could get her phone taken away in her last class of the year" when i didn't say anything back mom knew i was pissed "Taylor don't do anything crazy! shes a teenager" I would never do anything crazy beside tell Presley how idiotic she was being.

We made our way to the school. Once we got there mom got out to get Presley and her phone, I still can't wrap my brain around her getting her phone taken away. I was looking out the window when I saw them walk out the building mom in front of Pres who you could tell was dragging her feet, as soon as Presley open the car door you could see the excitement on her face when she saw me in the car but when our eyes met the excitement disappeared because you could clearly see how frustrated I was with the situation.

We got into a small argument with her telling me "I'm not her mother" if only you knew kid! That comment hurt a little but I couldn't let her know that, then continued to explain I knew that but she put her earphones in to ignore me. "Taylor I told you not to be crazy about this an what do you do?" mom says to me from the front seat.

Presley pov

We pull up to the house an I get out as so as the car stops to get away from Taylor before she goes off on my again, I hurry and unlock the door an run upstairs to my room and change out of my uniform. Once I'm done changing I hear mom and Taylor arguing about something I cant hear what the argument is even about though

I sneak to the stairs to try an be able to them hear better, I get to the middle of the stairs when Taylor says " This would be so much easier if she knew the truth" I wonder who she is and what truth they are talking about

I went to stand up and go back to my room when Austin popped up behind me and scared the crap out of me so I punched him which made him laugh at me an throw me over his shoulder, he made his way downstairs and told mom and Taylor i was eavesdropping. Mom and Taylor looked mortified with Austin saying that "Austin you're such a tattletale"


Guys! This is my first story ever, I hope you like it so far.

Do you know who the she is that they were talking about?

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