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Taylor's pov

Presley has launched herself into my lap. She starts playing with the end of my freshly straighten hair, she has done this since she was an infant I think it brings her some type of comfort.

"Piglet you ok?" I ask while tracing patterns on her back
"I'm ok Tay" she responds but I can tell by the way she responded she doesn't want anything she's tired. I continue tracing random patterns on her arm while scrolling through my phone looking at all the swifties outfits/costumes.

As I'm mindlessly scrolling, I feel like I'm being watched when I looked down I'm met with the blue eyes that are identical to mine that hold a sparkle to them, an she has a cute little grin on her face. "Pres why are you looking at me like that?" I see her shake head like she's shaking herself out of a trances  "oh sorry, you just look gorgeous Teffy." She tells me.

Oh this kid is so adorable how did I get so lucky with her. I leaned down and attacked her with kisses which made her giggle "I love you so much piglet" I  informed her "I love you too" she says back as she continues to play with my hair "why don't you take a nap before the show we have like an hour and a half till I go on" I tell her since I can see how tired she is.

I also can tell that the time difference is start to get to her, she's never really been out of the country where there's only a couple of hours difference not half a day. I grab a blanket that's behind me and throw it over the both of us and not even 5 minutes later she's out. I called mom and filled her in on everything and she told me that Presley actually called her right after she found out, she also was kind of surprised on how long it took me to call her an tell about it. Mom and I also discussed her coming to the next show

Presleys pov

Man this time change is kicking my butt, I'm exhausted I've been running around with a few of the dancers around the stadium. They opened the doors to allow people in two hours ago, everyone has to start finishing up their costumes for the show.

I head back to Taylor's dressing room to relax til showtime, I walk in a see her sitting on the couch so I run in jump on her causing her to make a noise as I plop onto her. I notice her hair is now straight and I get the urge to play with the ends of her hair, it always seems to comfort me. She asked me if I was ok which I am just tired she tells me to take a nap before the show, don't have to tell me twice that I can go to sleep.

I feel like I just fell asleep but apparently it's already time for Taylor to go on, Taylor had me walk with Tree to the tent "Tree I have a question" I say grabbing her attention "do you think Taylor will let me go with a group of dancers to explore the city tomorrow?" Tree response rather quickly with "probably not since it's not very safe for you to go without her or security" that one of the top things I hate about being related to Taylor, most people who get to go to a different country get to explore and experience the culture but no I mostly like will be seeing the inside of sport stadiums and then I can compare each of them an decide what country has the best stadium

While Taylor is changing for the next set, people around the tent keep staring at me it's starting to get annoying. I walk to the front of the tent and some girls started yelling and I realize they are yelling at me so I walk over to them. "Hey guys yall enjoying the show so far?" I ask them, they of course said yes. Then out of nowhere they ask me a question I was ready to get asked "are you Taylor's sister or something because you are around her a lot when her parents are around" I probably had a deer in headlights look on my face, ok Presley think fast you can't take to long or they're going know you are lying. I got it "no im not her sister, Im her moms cousin" i tell them proud I came up with that lie so fast which they responded with "that crazy because you look identical to her from when she was your age" "yeah crazy" I say then change the subject "do yall want to trade bracelets?" They nod and we trade bracelets then they went back into crowd

I went to the back of the tent and decided to go sit because my legs are tired from standing. While I'm sitting here I might as well rest my eyes for a minute. I hear people talking a when I open my eyes the lights are on, oops...
I get up quickly because Teffy wanted to meet up when she got off stage, crap she's probably going to freak out because I'm not there. 

"Sam I'm late!" I announce to Sam while trying to make my way backstage which is not an easy process when you are fighting against a crowd trying to leave. Sam and Caleb started leading me through the crowd that took at least 30 minutes, Taylor is most definitely losing her crap because I'm not where I'm supposed to be

I don't know who radioed to the boys to just bring me to the cars instead of meet at the stage but that's where they said they were taking me

We finally make it to the cars I see some of the dancers I walk up to them and join the conversation "hey Pres you going with us around the town tomorrow" Natalie asked me "I have to ask Tay but more then likely I'll go either way" i tell them and they told me that's probably not a good idea if she says no. "Guys don't worry, it'll be fine" I tell them.

I feel arms wrap around me and pulled into someone which scared me an I screamed. I hear a familiar laugh "gotcha kiddo" Tay says, everyone was laughing. Taylor asked where everyone was headed now, half said going to the hotel the other half were going to look for food "can we get food I'm starving" I asked "yeah we'll grab something on the way to the hotel" she tells me while escorting me to the car

We just grabbed our food and heading to the hotel, I'm munching on some fries Taylor is doing the something. "Hey Teffy can I go explore the city with some of the dancers and the singers?" I question I really hope she says yes because I'm getting bored just going to the hotel and stadium and it's only day 2, "umm piglet I don't think that's a great idea something could happen an I'm not there, maybe next time" she tells me. "What's going to happen no one knows who I am, I'm not going by myself I'll be with a group of people. You can track my phone the whole time. I'm going" I inform her now we are just going back and forth about if I'm going or not. We pull up to the hotel " I'm going mother" I say before getting out of the car, I walk towards the hotel by myself.

I'm pissed a there's people around taking pictures this is definitely going to be a headline tomorrow, I know Taylor wont say anything in front of the paps so they don't know what's going on. We are waiting on the elevator when Taylor leans in close to me " you will not speak to like that young lady" she whispers into my ear.

We are in our room still arguing about me going tomorrow, "Presley you are not going that's final" Taylor says ending the conversation

I don't understand why since finding out Taylor's my mom all we do is argue we never argued before.

She thinks I'm not going but i am. I texted the group chat telling them I'm going tomorrow

I crawled in the bed that Taylor isn't sitting on so I can go to sleep. She gets up and kisses my forehead "goodnight baby, I'm only doing this to protect you. I love you" she tells me moving some hair off my face I turn away "goodnight Taylor" an with that I went to sleep.

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