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Presleys pov

 Tree asked Tay if i was going to join them for the summer, i cant wait to go with Tay i don't normally get to spend the whole summer with her i hope everyone will agree so i can go. I started to fall back asleep when I got moved off Tay "noooo your so warm an comfy" i announce to her "piglet i have to talk to Tree about some important things" she says while getting up, she put her phone off speaker phone and then kisses my forehead an leaves the room to continue her conversation with Tree

I am awakened to Kitty licking my face, gross i hate getting woken up by her. if she waking me up that mean i have to feed her "ok Kitty i'll feed you lets go" i grab my phone an see i have a couple of notifications from snapchat i open them an send snaps back, while heading down stairs Lainey my bestie facetime me " hey Laniey" "hey Pres how much trouble did you get in about your phone" she asked me " girl by the time we got home they forgot all about it" i say while giggling. I walk into the mud room and feed and water kitty while i'm still talking to Lainey

Lainey has been my best friend since pre-k she is one of the only people who knows i'm Taylor Swift's sister. i walk to the kitchen to get something to eat "what are your plans for the summer?" i asked her while rummaging through the fridge for something to eat " oh you know the same ole same ole, what about you?" a voice behind me answers for me saying "Lainey shes spending the summer with me" i turn around and smile at Tay " wait so i actually get to go with you?" she gets a huge grin on her face then nods her head yes. I jump into her arm forgetting i'm on the phone.

Taylors Pov

I slide out from under Pres to go talk to Tree because i know we are probably going to have a conversation that Pres doesn't need to be involved in.

 My baby wasn't thrilled that i moved her off me, I explained why i moved her while taking Tree off speaker phone and kissed her forehead before heading back to my room to have a serious conversation.

"ok Tree i know you wouldn't be calling unless you didn't have some kind of concerns about Presley spending the summer with me" i say while falling back on my bed not excited for this at all    "Taylor its my job to tell you about what could go wrong, you literally pay me to do this" Tree says i sigh the say," i know i just don't want to hear the cons of piglet come on tour with me" 

The public knows of Presley, they just don't know how she fits into the picture. We have tried very hard to keep any information on her out of the public because it has always been safer for her, that the public know anything about her, let alone how she related to me. There have been several different theories on how she is, only a couple of people have actually gotten it right. 

"Tree let me hear the cons of her joining the tour" i say not ready for her answer at all 

"one the public finds out her name, two you are too busy to watch her, three an this could possible be the worst, not only does she found out about the secret, but the public finds out you are hiding something" Tree says in a very serious tone i think shes trying to get me not to bring her anymore.

 "Whenever shes in public with someone we call her by her nicknames, which we already do. If i'm busy she can either stay with me or if Travis is there she can hangout with him, an our parents will be at most of the shows and lastly there is only one person that i care about finding out about the secret" i explain to her. We continue talking for awhile she is trying to get me to only let Pres stay for a couple of shows but ultimately i'm her boss and can decide what she can do. 

After the phone call i got ready for the day went downstairs and made a cup of coffee. Mom and i were discussing the plans for the summer when we heard kitty running down the stairs and Presley's voice talking to someone.

I made my way into the kitchen where I found out shes talking to her best friend Lainey  about their summer plans, Lainey asked what Pres was doing. I responded for her " shes going to join me this summer,"  Pres spun around so fast making sure i was telling the truth, which i am. 

She jumped in my arms, her being in my arms brings me so much joy and comfort.  She gets off the phone with Lainey and we decide to make some breakfast together. 

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