3 Words can't hurt. They can disable

959 33 6

Izuku POV

Tomorrow it starts seriously tomorrow I don't have enough time. The drones were flying everywhere. Some found them casual some a nuisance some enjoyed standing and posing but I saw them at a completely different angle. I see them as little bombs that fly around us and can't wait to do their job. Oh, I can hardly wait. If I could just get my hand on one of these drones without being filmed, I could manipulate it a bit and it would be a flying bomb and nobody would know who the killer was.

I've learned that a lot of people will be there. Endeavor, Hawks, and All Might I already know will be there, but also other heroes Nezu probably forced them all, that won't be a problem it will just make everything more fun. Oh, I could use fake blood but I don't know if I can bring that or where I can get it from. Real blood will be just as good though. I know exactly who I want to throw out first. All Might and I already have the perfect plan for it. Just wait and see. Buahahahaha.

Some people wanted me to train with them. Some said not even training could help me. I have a different opinion. I think all the training in the world could prepare me for what I'm about to do.

The first thing I did, unlike everyone else, was read the rule book. It was incredibly thick and had an incredible number of rules and tips and everything. For example, there was a rule that if you faint, you're out of the game. However, someone who is almost bleeding to death could lie down somewhere and say, I'm going to sleep now and then not want to go out. So there are certain times when you can sleep, if you go another time you are eliminated. Aizawa Sensei will not have it easy. There will be a few things so we won't get bored there. A few books a few musical instruments card games.

A drone is hovering back and forth in front of my face seriously where are they all looking closely at my facial features or why are they inches away from my face, but somehow all the drones are like trying to study the players facial expressions closely. Doesn't know Nezu who the killer is either?

I have to bite my lips to keep from spitting on the camera. 

All Might and Bakugo are the people I want to kick out the most. If I manage to do that, I've actually already won for myself. If I play my cards well, I might win without fighting and only with manipulation, but that would be a bit boring. Where's the trauma? I still need a bit of excitement. I plan to draw the walls with my own blood.

I hear an announcement loud and clear.

Announcement from Nezu: Midoriya It's your time to pick the a item of your choice that you want to end up bringing 

I go to the teachers office. When I arrive I immediately see that some teachers from the staff room are missing. Probably these teachers will then also participate in the game. Here are Hound Dog, Ectoplasm, Recovery Girl and Nezu. The rest are most likely involved in the game and shouldn't hear, the weapon I pick but I don't pick a weapon either.

Nezu: so what's your choice?

Me: my choice is the rulebook

Everyone looks at me like I'm totally crazy. I don't have a quirk and I need a weapon but I choose a book.

Nezu: and why, if you don't mind me asking?

Me: You can ask, but that doesn't mean I'm going to answer. If I'm going to answer, I might as well ask a question.

He thinks for a moment 

Nezu: Let me hear your question first thank you, if I want to answer yours then you can answer mine too

So he plays better safe than sorry

Me: how the hell did you manage to convince a bunch of parents to let their kids participate in a game that's some kind of replica of a war?

Nezu: Hahahahah. I achieved my goal, I get everything I wanted.

Recovery Girl: please say it wasn't black mailing

Nezu: it was black mailing 

Recovery Girl: SIGH

Hound dog: So you researched about 80 people to blackmail them.

Nezu: Not exactly, I wasn't able to reach your mother at first. After I reached her, she immediately agreed and I didn't have to do anything.

Me: Inko is often busy and doesn't have much time

Hound dog: Did you just call your own mother by her real name?

Me: it would be stupid if I called her by her family name, since I have it myself too

Nezu: a topic we want to discuss later. So, why did you choose the book?

Me: There are rules in the book that would be very useful and that you would unintentionally bump into. It is impossible to memorize almost all the rules. So, I think it's better to carry the book with me. And the book is thicker than a bible. So if someone were to attack, I could smash it against their skull with force. Most people say words don't hurt, but with a book as heavy as a brick, they might change their minds

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