Chapter 2

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A/N: Hehe, sorry about the cliffhanger >:) Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


I groaned and sat up to find myself in a room full of other people. They were all wounded, some with new casts on their legs or heads. "Where am I?" I asked the lady with a white and blue suit. "You got hit with a soccer ball, honey." She said gently. "This is the nurse's room, and I'm the nurse." 

I was surprised I wasn't in here before, but then again, I was never really involved with social stuff, so I never got hurt from playing sports or anything. The Nurse's room smelled just like a hospital with medicine reeking of the place. "What about them?" I gestured to the many people who were laying on beds, some asleep, some wide awake. The Nurse frowned. "They have their own reasons that I shall not reveal." She looked like she meant business, so I didn't push. But I did ask, "is it because of 19-z?" 

19-z was basically Corona-virus, but later on in the future. The Nurse sighed. "Yes, but it's not that deadly." 

I was tempted to point out that she said the word 'that'. "Why doesn't the principal just let school to an earlier end, even though it's not 'that deadly'?" 

That's what a lot of schools were doing, besides, we deserved a break from all the homework. "It's for reasons we shouldn't speak of," the Nurse said, her voice in a hushed voice. We were both silent before I asked, "Who's the person who threw a soccer ball at me?" 

"His name is Adrien." (I'm an MLB fan) 

I looked behind her as if he'd be there. "Adrien's in class right now, but he told me he was really sorry for hurting you." 

"Oh," I got up from the bed, only to suffer from agonizing pain. The Nurse winced. "You're going to have to be on crutches for six months." She said, closing her eyes and waiting for my reaction.

"Six months???" I asked as she gave me crutches. "Your dad dropped these off and went right back to work after he heard what happened," she explained. I was quiet before I asked, "did he  ask how I was?" 

The lady shook her head sadly. 

Jeez. Could've at least lied to me to be nice. 

Wobbling, I managed to get to my crutches and use them to walk out of the door. I waved bye to the nurse and checked the time. It read 8:05.

Crap. It was Math, and that was my worst subject. Plus, my teacher would not be taking excuses as an answer. 

Walking on crutches took a slower amount of time to get to class than walking normally. Halfway across the hall, I heard a soft snicker. I turned to find Emma, someone who hated me with all her guts, staring right at me. "Oh darling," she said as she made her way to me. "I thought you were short without crutches, but now you look way worse." 

I sighed. "Emma, I don't have time for this, I have to get to class." 

She smiled deviously even though it managed to woo boys into liking her. "Of course, but right after this." She took out her cellphone and snapped a pic of me. "Now I can show everyone the ugly person you are." 

Why was she trying to post it? People were going to see me in crutches anyways.

I didn't say anything. I just stared at the ground, as other people laughed with her. "Whatever Emma," I said pushing past her. "At least I'm beautiful on the inside." I hoped I would feel confident, but I only felt weaker when she glared at me. "You listen to me," she said, hunching her back to make her look taller. "Everyone already hates you, and they'll just hate you more after I send this picture. Look at you, weak and pathetic. Don't you understand you don't deserve anyone's love?" She tilted my chin towards her. "And remember that you don't even deserve this world." 

"I-I..." I felt tears rising in my eyes, but I told myself to be calm. Especially when all her minions howled in laughter. Even Roshani, my 'best friend' who betrayed me in 5th grade for Emma. Roshani's eyes flashed with happiness as I let tears fall down my cheeks. I wiped them with my sleeve as I ran-tried to run with my crutches. That didn't do any good as I sadly looked like a chicken dancing hideously. At least my back was turned to them so they couldn't see my red, puffy eyes. "She's so pathetic," I heard Roshani say, loud enough for me to hear even though I was almost to my math teacher's classroom. 

Maybe Emma was right. Maybe I didn't deserve anyone's love. Or this world. 

Maybe I was just a failed lab experiment. 

I went to the bathroom and washed my puffy eyes and went into my math class, where everyone started snickering and laughing loudly with no decent manner. 

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