Unexpected- Part 3

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A/N: Omo what jus happened. if you guyz haven't read the last chapter bc like I warned you, uncomfortable, then lemme tell you what happened. roshani tried to do suicide... BUT!  someone stopped her. and i'll reveal what emma's and roshani's fight is about in the next next, next chapter I promise :D

Ps, put the song above and read this chapter (only if you want to) it makes it a lot more sentimental. I decided to make a unexpected part 4. 

Also, get ready to cry in this chapter....

Bye for now!


I was walking in the commons because my homework was done for the week and I had passed my exams (yay me!) when a familiar girl was standing in front of the fountain, her back faced towards me. But still, I knew who it was. 

I sucked in a breath as something shiny met the sun, blinding my eyes. A knife. Or more like... a dagger. A really sharp one. 

I closed my eyes and forced them open again and stared at the girl. I couldn't believe it. Was she trying to do....

"Roshani?" I said, making her swivel around. 

"J-Jessica?" She asked, tightening her hold on the deadly weapon. 

"Roshani, put the dagger down." I said. 

Roshani responded by taking a step backward. 

I held my breath as I walked closer. Some people were gawking at me and her, and one of them happened to be Emma. 

"Roshani, stop!" Emma ordered. 

Roshani scowled at the voice. "Why do you care? You don't even care about me." 

Tears welled in her eyes, and soon, I found myself crying fat tears. Emma was also crying. "I do care about you. That's why you shouldn't do this." 

"I'll do what I want." 

"Okay." I said, slowly walking towards her. "Do what you want. But not like this. You do realize you're not only hurting yourself, but everyone else too, right?" 

"How, Einstein?" 

"Because people care about you!"  

I was tempted to add the word 'idiot' but that would just be mean. 

"S-stop! Don't get any closer! Or else-or else you'll get hurt!" Roshani told me and Emma. 

"Do you really think I care?" I ask, disobeying her as I take another step forward. 

"Jessica's right-just stop." Emma told her, and there was something pleading in her eyes that made Roshani flinch.

But she held the dagger up to her neck, skin touching metal. 

"Take a step backwards or else I'll kill myself." 

I didn't listen, but when she pressed the dagger closer to her chin, I stepped back. So did Emma.

"Please Roshani." I pleaded, but it came more like a sigh. "I care about you. So does Emma. And the whole school-you just don't know that."

When she looked like she wasn't going to listen, I knew I had to give the girl a lesson. 

I ran up to her and grabbed the dagger, yanking it fast enough so Roshani wouldn't try to fight with me-but also fast enough to make sure I didn't accidentally hurt her. 

"Give it back!" 

"It's not a toy." 

Roshani huffed and tried to grab hold of the weapon, but my reflexes acted quickly as I quickly dropped it in my other hand. "This is what you wanna do, don't you?" I bent down and sliced the dagger against my ankle, ignoring the agonizing pain and gasps. 

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