Unexpected-Part 1

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A/N: Yup. The chapter we've all been waiting for. The chapter that you waited impatiently, lived in boredom for. Here it is.

Oops sorry for making it sound cringe 😅

P.S, all the chapters of Unexpected are based on different point of views. This one is Emma. (I know right, the meanie?🤯) Next, Roshani. And then Jessica. The first chapter after Unexpected, it's going to be Adrien. *Tries to squeal but ends up needing a cough drop*


Every villain is just a broken hero.


I knocked on my door, after a long exhausted day, I was done with drama. Ugh. Roshani just wouldn't get it. 

"Madame Emma!" My butler said as he opened the door. "Is Madame Roshani not here?" 

"No," I said, half distracted as I tried to peek behind him. "Is Dad okay?" 

"About that," my butler said as his eyes turned soft. "You might want to see for yourself." 

My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I followed him up the stairs to my dad's room. It was slightly open, and I was scared to go inside. 

But I pushed it open, hoping to find him in a better condition. 

"Dad!" I rushed to his side, placing my hand on his chest, trying to hear a heartbeat. It was faint. "Dad?" I whimpered as he stayed quiet. 

19-z had gotten the best of him. And I felt weak as I tried to make him respond. 

"Dad?" I kept repeating, until he finally opened his eyes-a little, but it still counted. 

"Emma?" He smiled sadly. "Honey, what are you doing here?" 

"To see if you were okay." I said as a tear dropped out of my eye. 

"Emi, don't cry." My dad, said wiping my cheek. "I'll be fine. I still have a few days." 

Just a few days. 

I closed my eyes, and looked up above, sending a silent plea to the Lord. 

For him to get better. 

For him to live until I'm a grandma. 

I already lost my mom to 19-z, losing my dad too...

I wiped my tears again, hoping my dad wouldn't see me looking hopeless.

"These are the people who suggested adopting you once I'm gone." My dad said, motioning for my butler to give me a list.

The Smiths'.

The Jonathons.

The Martinezs.

The Browns.

The Johnsons.


The Jones? 

Where have I heard that before? I shook it out of my mind and focused back on my dad. 

"Don't say that." I said. "You're gonna live a long life. And you'll survive 19-z!" 


My dad chuckled softly and stared into space. "That's not what the doctors say." 

"Doctors make mistakes." 

"Maybe you're right," he said, wheezing and hacking. "Here." I gave him the water that was sitting beside his nightstand and he drank it, thanking me.

"No problem." I sighed and leaned on the bed. 

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