A Brief History on 6th Grade

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Ah... 6th grade. So many memories. Some good. Some bad. Some weird. Some weirder. Then again, that's basically my entire life. Oh well. So here's a briefing on my 6th grade year. Enjoy.

The day was August 25th, 2014. The bus ride to school was insane. Dozens, maybe hundreds of cars were packing up the streets. And it didn't help that HMS was right next to a major high school, Vista Ridge. But you don't want to hear about a bus ride that took half an hour, so let's get to the good stuff.

I think for just about anybody, the first day of middle school is pretty freaky. You walk into your first period class, which for me was science, and you see all these new faces. Some of the people you see are people you've known since kindergarten or 1st grade. But others, most actually, are completely new. Some you'd never really get to know, some you'd lose touch with, some you'd start to hate, and some you'd become great friends with.

I sat down in first period, and the entire class was 55 minutes of pure BOREDOM, with Mrs. Garnet talking about middle school. Which, unfortunately, was how most of the classes went. Even in band, (which was 3rd period), we just talked. Eventually, we finally had lunch.

At 1:38 PM.

Holy crap! Why is lunch so dang late??? God. Anyway, if was finally lunch. For the first few weeks of school, we were treated like elementary schoolers and had to sit at designated tables. Stupid, I know.

Well anyway, everything went the same for a few weeks. My favorite teach was obviously Mrs. Kitts. (Credit for that name goes to DauntlessAndIKnowIt ). We started learning the basics on the saxophone like the fingerings (calm down, all you dirty-minded people) and basic embouchure. We started doing projects in Social Studies. Science was boring mostly. And math. Language Arts was the only descent core class. In QUEST we did a reading group project, which confused me. And gym was always fun.

After a few weeks we were allowed to sit where we wanted at lunch. I don't know how it works, but on the first day of school the entire grade was split into different social cliquès. People like Jackson Bower and Ashley Black were turned into the populars. And mixed in with them were people like Peter Scar and John Rodgers, who were players on the Vista Ridge football team. Then after them were, and I don't mean to be racist, there were a bunch of black dudes. It's just a fact. Then there were nerds, choir nerds, band geeks, and people who hung out with their friends since kindergarten. Which is where I sat, with the people I'd gone to Faubion with. And that's basically where I sat all year.

So, the year went on. I got better and better at the saxophone, never dropping below fourth chair. I lost a few of my friends, but they were replaced by a bunch of awesome new ones. Like Ethan Peterson, Lauren Cole, and Rick Harolds.

The months went by. Drama went on and on. Relationships began and ended, but some are still going to this day that have been going since the beginning of 6th grade. Like one of my best bros, Mark Matthews and his girlfriend, Kate Walden. But for me, I haven't been so lucky. I had a girlfriend. Her name was Sarah Lyles. And all I'm gonna say, is it ended badly. But whatever. That doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that times have passed, and you can't hold grudges on the world.

I know this is a bit of a dopey explanation on how 6th grade went, but cut me some slack. Some stuff happened months ago.

My next chapter will just be me telling about a few of my highlights and funny times throughout the year. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed.

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