Football Camp

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So, as most of you know, I'm doing football next year. I didn't do the conditioning camp all summer, since it requires you to get up at like 8:00 AM everyday (no thanks), but I figured I needed to do SOMETHING football related, so I signed up for football camp a few weeks before school starts.

It was 7:00 AM August 3, 2015. The first day since band camp in June that I'd gotten up before 10:00.

My mom came in to make sure I was up, and I already had my t-shirt and basketball shorts on. She went and made me some eggs, then I ate and we went to pick up my bro Mark, (I mentioned him in A Brief History of 6th Grade) who we were driving to camp. We drove up to his apartment complex where he lived, and he was there waiting for us.

"Hey bro, long time no talk." I said as he hopped into the car.
"Yeah! Since your party, right?" He asked.
"Yep. Good to see you, man."
"You too."
So we headed to Vista Ridge, where the camp was taking place.

We got there about 10 minutes before everything started. Checked in, told the lady our shirt sizes and headed to where the rest of the 7th graders were.

"Hey guys!" Kevin Chevrolet shouted as he hurtled towards me and Mark. He gave us some bro hugs, and we talked about how our summers had been.

"Alright everyone!" Coach Blahblah announced, (I can't remember his name) "welcome to football camp!" He told everyone. Then he said who were all the other coaches from seventh grade to high school were, and there's not a way in heck that I'm saying all of them.

We eventually split off into groups to practice offense. Mark went to work on being a running back, Kevin an offensive lineman, and me a wide receiver.

I'm gonna skip the specifics, and say what we did overall, day by day.

Worked on offense. Routes, catching and throwing the ball.

Same as Monday.

Switched to defense, I went to work on being a linebacker. It was super cool, cause the coaches told everyone to do what I was doing, because apparently I was the best.
After that, we played Ranger Ball. Which is basically soccer, except with a football and half the dudes took their shirts off.

Worked a little more on defense, then played more Ranger Ball. After that, we went and got our camp t-shirts, took a group picture with all the seventh graders, and headed out.

Camp might not have sounded very fun in here, but I can honestly say that I'm super pumped for this season, and I hope y'all come to the games.

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