The Last Days

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June 4th, 2015

The second to last day of school. The last full day. Testing was over, MOST of the drama had passed, and times were good.

In science, all we did was play board games. That's what we did in QUEST too. Third period, band, we finished auditions for the bands next year. Fourth was gym, and of course we played dodgeball. Social studies, we finished a Nicolas Cage movie, National Treasure, (which, by the way, was awesome). Lunch was normal, with people checking out yearbooks and getting them signed. Finally, seventh period, Language Arts, came. We were gonna have one last sixth grade dance. That's right, during the school day. Weird, I know.

So at about 2:30, we headed to the cafeteria for the dance. It was fun, but not nearly as fun as the last all school dance. Having a Kona Ice there was probably the only thing that stopped me from just sitting around bored.

When the dance ended, I was so incredibly relieved. We'd gone back to language arts for the last few minutes, and I stared at the clock. 4:04. I was about to explode, since the results showing what band we got in were up. I'd passed by he results on our way back to class, but I couldn't read it.


Band students flooded into the halls. Everyone shoved their ways into the front of the results, dying to see what they got. I slowly but surely got to the front, finally able to see the pages. I searched for my student ID number, because that's what they used, idk why.

I looked at the Honors Band pages first, just for fun. I figured I didn't have much of a chance, since I was only gonna be a 7th grader, and most of honors band was made of 8th graders. I found the alto saxophones.

For a split second, everything seemed to freeze. My mind raced with thoughts. What if I don't make it? Will Mom be mad? What if one of my friends make it but not me? Then it resumed.

There it was. My number. My ID. Happiness and excitement overflowed my body. I found my friend Delia, another alto sax player.
"Did you make it?" I asked, smiling.
"Yep!" She cheered back. I gave her a hug and headed into the band hall for my papers.

"Congratulatuons, Caleb." Mr. Darings, the director of Honors Band said as he handed me an info sheet and my scales. "Are you ready to work hard?"
"Absolutely, sir. Thank you so much!" I said as I headed out of the band hall and towards the bus.

I'd made it. I'd really made it. I was one of the few 7th graders who had the honor of being in Honors Band.

Honors Band, here I come.

June 5th, 2015

This was it. The last day of sixth grade. It'd all be over at 12:55. Well, at least for a few months. That day we were doing rotations through classes instead of full on periods. Hehe.

First we had Science. I forgot what we did, ha. Then in language arts we watched a football movie, Rudy, and it was pretty good. In math all we did was play some games, but it was kind of fun. I played Uno with Mrs. Cracker, as we talked a little. It was actually kind of nice, just having a fun time with a teacher. Don't judge.

Then the whole team M went to the gym, where there was an awards ceremony. Most of the awards were basic ones like perfect attendance, straight A's ands stuff like that. But there was one award in particular I was interested in. The Master of Words award.

All year in Mrs. Kitts' language arts class I'd worked super hard. I mean, you have to be good at LA to be a successful author. Duh. Anyway, I was really hoping I would win it. Mrs. Kitts had always liked my writing. I'd always gotten 4s, and I even got to go to a reading night at Barnes and Noble once, with DauntlessAndIKnowIt and DragonMorphed .

The Master of Words award was specially picked by Mrs. Kitts as her personal favorite. And there was one for a girl and a guy too, of course. Lauren Cole obviously got the girl award. And I was super pumped to get up and get it when she called my name. But she didn't.

"Maximus Cold." She said instead. I was furious, but I eventually let go.

After the awards we went back to math and played games for a while longer, until the yearbook signing.

The gym was packed with hundreds of sixth graders. People flurried around, asking for signatures and giving them. I don't mean to sound cocky, but I had a bunch of people come up to me, asking for my signature. In most of people's books I wrote this.

Moving To Djibouti. Cya Later.
Caleb Ganer

I know, a little childish, but it was hilarious. After a while, I went up to Erika Gordon to get her signature. And right before I got her to sign mine, there was someone else asking her.

Harold. Nobody even used his last name, because his first name was all you needed to know. Harold had a huge, and I mean HUGE, crush on Erika. So huge, that one time he gave her a gift, and she gave it to me to throw away since she didn't have the heart to do it herself. It was hilarious.

Anyway, I just couldn't help but bust out laughing as I saw her sign his yearbook. I could only imagine what he wrote in hers. In mine she wrote

Juke Box Hero. Lol.
Erika Gordon.

It's an inside joke.

The bell finally rang at 12:55. A deafening screech filled the air, people screaming to get out of that hellhole. After that, I got Mr. Darings to sign my book, and he said that he couldn't wait for me to be in his and next year.

Once I had his autograph, I signed a few more books, gave some goodbye hugs, and headed onto the bus for home.

And thus ended one of the greatest years of my life.

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