Spread your Wings

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Site: AO3

Fandom: Scum Villain

Author: Araceil

Summary: When Shen Jiu opened his eyes, once again staring at the detestable ceiling of the woodshed within the Qiu Estate, he decided to live for himself. He got to his feet, shook off his shackles, and walked away from his nightmares, his hatreds, his resentments, and all the people who ever wronged him. He walked away from all of it. From promises broken, from people who betrayed him, from a life he had never wanted, and from a life that had never wanted him.

In one lifetime he had been a lowly, greedy, grasping creature. Consuming everything around him, ugly, small, and pathetic.

In his second lifetime his body had been stolen from him, and he lurked in the back of himself, watching as his body was puppeted, as his life was stolen.

In this life, he vowed not to make the same mistakes. In this life, he would be free. He would throw off the shell of Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu, and find freedom.

Pairing: Original Shěn Qīngqiū/Tiānláng-jū

Rated: M

Chapters: 4

Status: Complete

Review: I adore this so much. Shen Jiu living his best and getting a husband who worship the ground he walks on. Such an uncommon ship but written so well.

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