(Not) Supernatural

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Site: FFN

Fandom: DC

Author: Cursed Detective

Summary: Misunderstandings and assumptions abound. (Because experimental poisons and antidotes HAVE to have issues when combined.) Eventual KaiShin - non-explicit.

Pairing: Kaito/Shinichi, hints of Hattori/Kazuha and Makoto/Sonoko

Rated: T

Chapters: 51

Status: Ongoing

Review: I feel so much fluff from the interactions. Kaito and Shinichi are learning about each other and how to act around the other. Kaito is such a sweet, dependable, and supportive boyfriend. Their relationship is about communication and understanding (like any HEALTHY relationship should be). What is funny is how they are trolling all of the police force. Kaito is such a bad influence on Shinichi. That being said this is one of the best and fleshed out story of KaiShin.

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