October 31st

12 0 0

Remus POV

"What will happen to Harry then? With my finances and condition, it could be a struggle, but I'm sure I could manage."

"Do not worry. I already have a house for him to stay at."

"Well? Who is he staying with?"

"I have placed him in the care of Lily's sister, Petunia"

"PETUNIA! She hates magic! She shunned her own sister because she had magic. Are you sure it is safe?"

"I am sure she will be able to put her beliefs aside to raise Harry."

"No. Albus. I agree with Remus on this. I told you. I watched them all day and they are simply disgusting. Not to mention you left Harry on their DOORSTEP with only a blanket and a letter."

"Minerva. I am sure-"

"YOU LEFT HARRY ON A DORRSTEP! You haven't even confirmed they will accept him!"

That's when the door slammed open making us all jump. A stern and slightly angered Regulus Black stood behind it. Dumbledore stood quickly and held his wand in front of him in defense against the Death Eater. Regulus, glaring at Dumbledore, revealed a bundle in arms containing a familiar baby with a newly acquired scar. "Would you mind explaining why my brother's godson was left on a doorstep in the middle of a Muggle Town?"

Minerva then warily stood. "Lord Black, please hand me the boy."

"So you can leave him on another doorstep? I don't think so. Honestly. Could you find no better guardian than a gaggle of magic hating Muggles?"

Dumbledore spoke up then. "I find Muggles quite interesting actually. The way that they thrive even without the advantage of magic is quite admirable."

Regulus then rolled his eyes. "Do you also admire how they go to war over the tiniest offsets and murder millions in said wars or even when in times of peace?"

"And what are you planning on doing with the Boy Who Lived?" Minerva asked.

"If need be, I could care for him. I am not as loyal to the Dark Lord as I lead others to believe." Regulus responded with before fishing out a necklace from his pocket and throwing it onto the desk of the Lord of the Light. Looking closer at it, I saw that it was Salazar Slytherin's famed locket, but it seemed broken with a black ink spreading over it. "Fun fact: Basilisk venom destroys horcruxes."

Horcruxes? I didn't recognize it, but Dumbledore clearly did as the sparkle he was so famed for vanished. He cautiously reached for the Locket and casted many diagnostic spells on it before looking back at Regulus shocked. "How?"

"My house elf was needed to place it, so I had him bring me to get it. I had been on the lookout for Horcruxes for about 3 months beforehand when I was researching how the Dark Lord became immortal. Horcruxes seemed like the most logical solution. After I acquired it, I tested many methods on how to destroy it. In the little that was known about horcruxes, destroying it was apparently not important enough to write down. I'm more grateful that the Dark Lord didn't feel when it was destroyed. I may have expected my death and had written a last farewell fuck you note to him in the decoy I placed." At that note, he broke his emotionless exterior to smirk.

Barely following the conversation, I sighed. "I assume nobody is planning on filling me in."

"I would also like to know what's going on." Minerva stated.

Surprisingly, or maybe unsurprisingly, it was Regulus that responded. "A horcrux is a dark object that defies nature itself. The host would place a portion of his soul within an object of great importance to him, and with a portion of his soul in the mortal realm, he would be unable to pass into the afterlife and be, in most senses of the word, immortal. Because the Dark Lord is an insecure little bitch, he would have made more than one, but this was the only one I managed to recover."

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