Caelum: Start the Search

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September 1st

After returning from Platform 9 3/4, I joined Uncle Reg in his study. Bookshelves covered the walls containing information on everything from Black histories to Advanced Transfiguration. His desk was on the far wall and a coffee table with a couch and two armchairs surrounding it. We both ignored the couch and settled in the two armchairs.

The silence only stood for a moment before I spoke up with my analysis, "I have a plan for finding horcruxes. We know that the objects will have great importance to the Dark Lord, and we can assume the locations will also have great importance to him. I have already shown interest to some of my contacts on the locations of the Founder's Relics, but the only information I have gathered is that the last known location of Hufflepuff's cup is with her descendant Hepzibah Smith who has been dead for over 25 years. I plan to also dig into more of the Dark Lord's past. The most recent record we know is that he led the Knights of Walpurgis."

I might have gotten more info if my contacts hadn't been so useless. Not a single one of them had anything for me. The meetings just consisted of small talk and them trying to get me to buy useless things that could be just replaced with a spell. I might try Borgin and Burkes tomorrow. They should have something. The only reason I haven't yet is because they sell information to anyone with money, including any information I might give them. 

"As you know, anything you can find here is open to you, and even if you do run into a dead end, you do have Dumbleb!tch as a last resort," said Uncle Reg with a small comforting smile breaking through his stoic face. 

He has been getting better at showing emotion over the past 12 years. The others weren't old enough to remember him any other way than the all-knowing, chill Uncle Reg, but remember him coming over to the Manor when I was young. I remember the grimace he so well hid every time my mother cackled. He would never show even the slightest smile. I think the only thing keeping him going was his faith that his brother would fight the good fight and that he would help from where he could. I also think he blames himself that he wasn't brave enough to leave before he took the mark.

"Yes, but neither of us want to deal with his manipulation." I respond before I can get completely sucked into my thoughts.

"True." Our family has never been the greatest fans of Dumbledore. We tend to joke that that was the only thing Uncle Reg and I's parents got right. That man is not trustworthy. People always villainize the Dark Lord for recruiting school children and planting recruiters at Hogwarts, but Dumbledore did the same exact thing. The only exception is that Dumbledore didn't need to plant the recruiters; he was the recruiter. 

After talking with Remus, I have also come to the conclusion that the Lord Voldemort at least kept his followers more informed. Though, I do suppose sharing all your knowledge would diminish your mysterious, wise old man perception even if it might save your soldiers.

"Another thing to consider is that the Dark Lord might have placed more horcruxes with loyal followers like what he did with the diary that Harry destroyed." Uncle Reg added.

"It would have to be member of his inner circle- I'll look into it. Any new leads on your end?"

"Nothing on Sirius or Pettigrew. Animagi are stupidly good at hiding."

"Ha. Funny how tracking down the Dark Lord's most prized possessions and past are easier than finding a dead man and a man on the run"

"Not a dead man and a man on the run, a specific rat and a specific black dog who might not even be in Europe at this point. I am almost willing to use Harry as bait for Sirius."

"If it's any consolation, Sirius will also be looking for Pettigrew and will likely be on his trail, so if you find him, you have a good chance at finding the rat."

Uncle Reg just hummed in response. I waited a moment longer before taking that as a sign to leave. I walked down the hall to the library to look for the records regarding Hepzibah Smith and the Knights of Walpurgis.

The Black Library was vast but thankfully organized. I can't even begin to imagine the extra work if it wasn't. I already have so much searching to do. The number of books that MIGHT have information is still in the hundreds. Welp. I chose this as my job. This was my choice. Get to it Caelum.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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