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These will have minor spoilers on the interests and goals of main characters. This chapter is mostly for the use of readers that skip around and need the context.


Harry takes great interest in ancient runes and uses his knowledge to make magical trinkets and in his occasional prank. He is best friends with friends with Neville and they make a trio with Hermione. Ron is much more of a side character. Ara and Caelum are older siblings to him, but he doesn't call Neville his brother like his father did to Sirius. He believes that siblings are much less involved in your friend groups and your everyday personal life. Neville is his lifelong best friend. He is closer to Ara, than Caelum simply because of age, but he is more than willing to ask his older brother for help. Harry is not favored by 'Uncle Reg', as he and his sibling call Regulus, but treated equally.


Neville is very similar to how he was in the books, just with more confidence. He is an expert in herbology, but still retains much of his shyness in new environments. He is very similar to Remus, just with different academic specialties. He is best friends with Harry since they were little. He became the most recent legal occupant of Grimmauld Place when his grandmother could no longer keep up with an energetic toddler. After seeing how Regulus took care of Harry, who visited often, and Remus speaking praise, she gave custody over to Regulus. Regulus takes Neville to visit his grandmother often and Harry sometimes accompanies too.


Ara is a mini female Sirius. She is a huge prankster, would do anything for her friends, and she is Remus's favorite even though he would never admit it. The only difference is that she doesn't have an extreme dislike for Slytherins and anything Dark. She and the twins are inseparable. Even in the summer, the twins often stay at Grimmauld Place instead of the Burrow to both stay with Ara and to get away from the neglect of their mother. Ara takes her duty as big sister to Neville and Harry very seriously and will do anything for them. Anything also includes embarrassing them with both stories and just simply gushing over how cute they are in public. In both cases, her popularity as the laid-back mischief maker does not help Harry and Neville. Her relationship with Caelum consists of Caelum helping her with her academics and giving her advice and her looking up to him as well as trying to involve him in her mischief. She has yet to get him to indulge in her 'childish tendencies'.


Caelum is the child of Bellatrix and Rodolphus. He has faced much prejudice for being the son of two murdering psychopaths. He has proven himself to not give into to infamous Black madness although he does not shy away from his blatant interest in the Dark Arts and Dark artifacts. He graduated Hogwarts the year prior and works as a researcher of Dark Artifacts. He also uses this as a cover to search for horcruxes. He is the definition of a Slytherin as he is both ambitious and cunning as well as dedicated. He would also kill for his little siblings. He is the most distant to Remus but would still jump at the opportunity to discuss magic and any interesting finds that he comes across. He currently lives at the Lestrange Manor which he inherited when he turned 17, but he still visits Grimmauld Place often especially since he works closely with Regulus to find horcruxes.


Instead of dying in the cave, Regulus survived with the help of Kreacher. He was still playing his part as a loyal Death Eater at the time the war ended. He is also still in contact with some Death Eaters that claimed they were imperiosed like Narcissa and Karkoroff. He is also acquaintances with Snape who is the only Death Eater to know of his betrayal. Calling them friends is way too much of a stretch though. Regulus still resents Snape's obsession and Snape dislikes Regulus's children which he is forced to instruct. They are still allies though and do connect over their love and talent for potions. Regulus spends much of his time attempting to locate his brother while keeping an eye out for horcruxes, but for the most part, he leaves the horcrux hunt to Caelum. He also has weekly chats with Remus about any new findings and whatever Regulus's children are pulling in Hogwarts.


This isn't a full description of Remus because he clearly exists in the books. I did want to clear up some things though. Remus works as the Charms Professor. This year Dumbledore did something similar to what he pulled on Snape in the 6th book. Remus has become the DADA teacher this year while Flitwick came out of retirement to teach Charms. Also, despite working together for many years at this point, Remus and Snape still have a rivalry although it is no longer hatred as it was before.

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