September 1st

9 0 0

Third Pov

Choas was the most apparent sense in Grimmauld Place. 5 people were packing their things for the school year, and it seems that despite previous warnings, nobody did any packing beforehand. Trox, Kreacher's student house elf, was rushing around trying to aid her masters in any way she could. Kreacher himself was cooking breakfast, not that anyone could spare the time to eat as a family as they would normally do. No matter how chaotic said breakfast would end up.

Regulus Arcturus Black was the only one in the kitchen, sipping his tea calmly, ignoring all the scrambling around him. A reaction was only drawn when a cannon of confetti was released by two identical redheads. Colorful paper scraps gently floated to the ground matching the rainbow mural that one of the occupants had painted several years earlier. The house had gone through a huge transformation in the 13 years since Walburga and Orion had lived in it.

This version of Grimmauld Place was full of light gray, green, and even some red rooms. (The red only placed in honor of the Gryffindor occupants which now outnumbered the Slytherin ones) Murals had become frequent features as they had been painted by Lord Black and his niece, Ara. The only room not sporting this new theme was the drawing room that held the family tapestry which had now been 'vandalized' by hand painted drawings of the two unrelated children, and one 'disgraced' niece of the current lord. The other two legal residents were place there 'honorably' as the sons of 'respectable' pureblood Blacks even though one inherited a different name.

The bang of the release of the cannon drew out a small flinch from the adult. "Please do keep the mess to a minimum." He calmly said without even looking. A distant "We will get you one day!" and laughter was the only response. Ara Balck and the Weasley twins had a long-standing challenge to either scare the head of house or successfully prank him. All attempts had been futile so far. Regulus had learned many tricks to avoid pranks from his brother and skills to hide fear from his parents.

The next interruption happened only seconds later when incoherent shouting was heard from upstairs. Regulus turned to the hurrying Trox. "Harry and Neville?", he questioned. Trox quickly nodded before hurrying upstairs. "I will break them apart, Master"

"No need. They will be fine. My guess is they are just messing around. I know my children. Harry probably stole a book or something" Regulus responded. "How is everyone fairing?"

"Mistress Ara is almost packed. Messers Weasleys have yet to pack their clothes and will most likely need another case to accommodate the- uh- mischief supplies. Shall Trox confiscate them?"

"No. Let them have them. It wouldn't stop them anyway. Get them another suitcase."

"Very well Master! Master Harry is nearly finished as well, and Master Neville has only packed school supplies." She excitedly said before hurrying off to get a suitcase.

Regulus nodded before fondly smiling, standing, and heading upstairs to help.

10 minutes later, the doorbell rang and a man with shabby robes and brown hair let himself in. Kreacher eagerly took his suitcase before leading him to the dining room. Remus took a seat at the table and drank coffee provided by Kreacher as he patiently waited for others to come down.

Ara was the first to arrive. "Uncle Mooney!" She exclaimed as she rushed to hug him.

"You saw me just yesterday, pup." Remus replied but warmly hugged his best friend's daughter.

"I know right? That was soooo long ago!" She said before taking a seat and Kreacher set down some toast for her. Remus just chuckled and engaged her in conversation.

The twins were next. They greeted Remus with an in sync "Professor Remy" and a nod before talking eagerly with Ara. Behind them was Trox floating their suitcases behind her and bringing them beside the fireplace next to where Kreacher placed Remus's several minutes before.

Through said door walked a young black-haired man in dark gray robes. He walked to the table and greeted everyone while ruffling Ara's hair which met many complaints: "Caelum! You messed up my beautiful hair!" "How dare you!" "Monster." "Crime against humanity!" Ara said before meticulously fixing her long, wavy hair.

It was at this time when Regulus hurried down the stairs with Harry and Neville. "Come on people we got to leave in 5 minutes! We want to get there before the rush." The boys' suitcases floated behind him as he waved his wand, and they were directed next to fireplace with the others. Those already ready lined up at the fireplace with their suitcases to take the floo as Harry and Neville rushed to grab toast before they head out.

Regulus went first, then Ara, Fred, George (or was it George and then Fred?), Caelum, Harry, Neville, and Remus taking up the rear.

At the platform, the Regulus counted to make sure everyone made it through. The twins quickly hurried over to their blood family. Their mother's eyes widened at seeing them, but the family recovered and acted as if the twins were always there.

When Molly's gaze trailed to the huddle of black and brown haired boys and girl, she averted it almost immediately at seeing the glare of Lord Black. The three remaining children walked with Remus over to the train. Once Ara and Harry and Neville found empty compartments, they waved to Caelum and Uncle Reg before settling in their seats.

The train wouldn't move for at least another 15 minutes, but at least they avoided the reporters. Being who they were, the family was very high profile and had many articles published about them, both good and bad. The amount of drama when it was learned that the son of the Lestranges was going to be living with the son of the Longbottoms could have filled the Grand Canyon.

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