Chapter 13-eplilogue

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Harry apparated straight to the beach. The cool summer breeze, carrying the smell of salty moisture, wafted against his face immediately as he landed unsteadily on the gleaming hot sand. Feeling extremely sluggish, he stood swaying on his feet for a few moments, rubbing the bridge of his nose and struggling to adjust his aching eyes and throbbing head to the bright sunlight.

Lethargy made his arms and limbs feel heavier than they'd ever been before, and his brain felt as if it had been busy pushing a boulder up a hill all day. His joints popped, and his muscles twitched and protested, resisting any movement. He had a very strong urge to give up and collapse to the ground like a burst balloon.

However, that wouldn't do. He'd come this far, and home was so very near.

Tiredly tucking his wand away, Harry stared frontwards at the deep blue sea that stretched on and on endlessly in all directions. The ocean today was the darkest, most lovely shade of blue he'd ever seen, melting into the bright, sparkling horizon and blending with the sky above.

Dazzling waves crashed against the shoreline, and the gentle, rhythmic sound of the sea soothed his aching body just a little bit. The cold breeze felt profoundly pleasant against his sweaty skin. Almost automatically, he squeezed his eyes shut, inhaling the brine-infused, oceanic air deep into his lungs and letting out a relieved sigh.

Seagulls cried in the distance, and something splashed in the seawater as Harry quietly lumbered down along the shore. The sky above was a cloudless, shimmery corn-flower blue, with the blazing sun shining vividly, making the sand all around him glisten gold as far as the eye could see.

Harry took in the picturesque view of his island with a calming, wonderful feeling of relief and joy. He had missed it all tremendously.

After all, he'd been away for two long, painful months, and he was glad to be home.

He felt for the wards as he treaded silently, and he was satisfied to find everything as he'd left it. His mind finally at ease, he savoured the soft, gentle percussion of salty waves against the sand, and the familiar smell of the sea welcomed him home.

As he walked on, a beautiful cottage house at the top of a grassy hill up ahead became visible, and he immediately felt a pang of longing in his chest. He earnestly tried to increase his pace, but every step felt like it would bring him down to his knees, so he gave up very soon.

Quietly and exhaustedly, he trudged towards the hill, wondering why he hadn't apparated a little closer in the first place.


Harry blinked in surprise, breaking out of his torpid state and looking up instantly to see his little girl dashing towards him from the distance, so fast that she was just a blur of wild, excited movement. Her long, unruly jet black curls, which stubbornly defied any and all attempts to tame it, bounced wildly on her head, and her bright silver gaze glistened with pure, unadulterated joy. "Daddy!" she screamed in delight, hurtling towards him in a flash.

Harry was almost knocked back to the ground as she crashed against his legs, her little chubby hands coming up to wrap around his thigh tightly as she giggled up at him happily. "You're back!" she said, her eyes sparkling.

Catching his breath and steadying himself with some effort, he looked down at her, panting. Immediately, warmth and pure happiness flooded his chest. "Hello there, my darling," he said softly with a slight huff, ruffling her hair affectionately.

All fatigue and drowsiness vanished from his body for a brief moment as he secretly rejoiced at her enthusiastic welcome. Bending, he outstretched his arms and picked her up, settling her on his arms and smiling at her lovingly. "How have you been? Where's your Papa? Did you miss me?"

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