Chapter 2

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Forgotten mEmory
Looking for someone, Potter?"

Harry stilled abruptly, halting in the middle of the seventh-floor corridor, slightly taken aback. For the past three hours, he'd been repeatedly pacing back and forth, glancing at his map and feeling restless and more and more agitated as he desperately wished for the Room of Requirement to materialize. Nothing had happened so far, and the sudden familiar voice — the smugness of it — surprised him significantly. With a disgruntled frown on his face, he slowly turned and stared at Malfoy in mild shock.

"What?" he asked almost dazedly, gaping at the door behind Malfoy, which hadn't been there a while ago.

Malfoy smirked and shrugged with an annoyingly arrogant expression on his face, casually leaning back against the half-open door of the Room of Requirement. "You've been lurking here for some time now." He arched a haughty eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest. "Waiting for someone, are you?"

Harry bristled, and he quickly masked his curiosity and anger with a look of indifference. "It's none of your business, Malfoy." He clenched his jaw tightly. "What are you doing here?" He eyed Malfoy warily, glancing at the door. "Sneaking into the Room of Requirement every single day."

Malfoy's eyes narrowed, and he sneered contemptuously. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Harry glared angrily, shoving the Marauders map into his pocket and clenching his hands into fists. Malfoy raised an eyebrow in amusement, continuing to look recklessly unbothered as Harry took a threatening step forward. He'd been on another stake-out, waiting for Malfoy to mess up, endeavouring to thwart whatever plans Malfoy had been meticulously cooking up inside the Room of Requirement for these past few months. He was determined to find out what Malfoy was doing, what he was planning, what he was thinking, even if it cost him his life. "Whatever you're hiding, Malfoy, I'll find out what it is," he said through gritted teeth. "You aren't fooling anyone. I know you're planning something in there —"

"Ah." Malfoy nodded solemnly, his brows knitted. "I see. You're curious about what I've been doing?"

Harry's blood boiled. How dare he act so calm? "Malfoy —"

"Well, come on in, then."

Whatever Harry had meant to say died on his tongue. His mind suddenly drew a blank. Stilling like a statue, he blinked repeatedly in shock. "What?"

Malfoy smirked, wide and devilish, and his expression was a mixture of mischief and cunning. With a strangely unconcerned look in his gaze, he languidly pushed himself off the wall and turned, slipping his hands into his pockets. "I said, come in, Potter," he drawled coolly, running a hand through his hair, causing them to messily spill onto his pale forehead in silky, blond waves. "I know you've been spying on me — following me. Trying to find out what I'm up to, or so they say." He looked oddly sly as he threw a disapproving look at Harry over his shoulder and shook his head with a dramatic sigh. "Merlin, you've been stalking this place like a ghost, waiting for me to come out, haven't you?"

Harry gaped at Malfoy in utter shock, wondering if he had finally lost his mind. Why did Malfoy look so proud and unruffled? He'd expected Malfoy to hide out of sheer terror. Something felt odd.

"And you know what? I'm tired of it, Potter, so come on in," said Malfoy, letting out a long, weary sigh, and all the while, he looked smug as he lazily strolled inside with his hands still in his pockets. There was a careless, conceited air around him, and it made Harry feel intensely annoyed. "I'll show you what I've been up to."

Harry stared at Malfoy, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion. What was Malfoy playing at? Why did he seem so level-headed and utterly at ease? It was disorienting, confusing. He thought Malfoy would panic. He'd expected Malfoy to stumble, to lose his cool and mess it all up, but there was something in his bold manner, his confident stride, the bright cleverness in his gaze that irked Harry, getting under his skin, and making him feel all prickly inside, as if there were tiny needles stabbing him all over. It vexed him.

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