Chapter 7: Sleepover

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Taylor's POV

Ms. Abby told Kendall and Kalani to go back with the rest of the girls so I could practice my solo. She went over the point and theme of my solo, but I didn't really start paying attention until she started with the choreography. As I finished rehearsing the second count of 8, Ms. Abby spoke up and said "Crap. Gianna, go get me a rehearsal skirt. I totally forgot about her costume." Gianna came back a minute later with a thin, transparent skirt so I could rehearse. I continued on with my solo. I was actually doing really good until I was going to do a diving front walkover, and I forgot to follow up with a ponchè. She started screaming saying how I'm supposed to remember simple choreography and I felt tears form behind my eyes. I nodded, but Abby still was not satisfied. She called in Tessa and my stomach immediately flipped. "Tessa come here. Stand right next to Taylor. Now both of you do a diving front walkover into a ponchè." She snapped. We did as we were told, and Abby was in awe. At first I thought she was proud of me, but it was Tessa. Tessa smirked and when she passed me she whispered "look who she prefers now" I turned around and she just laughed and went back with the girls. Abby kept me going with my solo until 6:30. The rest of the girls rehearsed their solos then Abby dismissed us. When I was gathering my stuff, I noticed all the girls, including Tessa, whispering about something. When Tessa noticed I was looking at them, she just glared at me.
By the time I got home it was 7:45, so I decided to go in my room on my laptop for a while. I was satisfied with my first day at the ALDC, besides the fact that Abby is already comparing me and Tessa.
I woke up the next morning to the sound (and smell) of my mom cooking pancakes and bacon. She attempted to start a conversation by saying "how was class yesterday?" But I just grunted because I was still half asleep. While I was eating, I decided to go on Instagram. My lips formed a smile as I realized a the girls now follow me. I looked on their accounts, and saw something that made me stop in my tracks. On all of the girls accounts it shows them at a sleepover. Normally I would shrug it off, but they had Tessa with them. They never invited me, I thought. Oh well, I'll ask about it at dance today.
While we were in the dancers den before class, Kalani came up to me and said "I was really sad you were busy last night. You would've had so much fun at the sleepover last night!" I was very confused. I wasn't busy last night. I wasn't invited to their sleepover. I asked Kalani what she was talking about. "Oh, Maddie told Tessa to invite you and Tessa said you were busy last night." She replied. Tessa? Of course.
I walked over to Tessa and spoke up "Why didn't you invite me last night? Why did you say I was busy?" She replied "What are you talking about? It was Maddie who didn't want to invite you." I said everything Kalani told me. "Really? Because as of right now, Maddie and I are good friends." I replied. I saw Maddie perk up, and I waved her over. "So Maddie, did you tell Tessa to invite me yesterday, or did you not want me to come." I said. Maddie replied saying "Tessa said that you said you were busy." Tessa then said to Maddie "Maddie, what are you TALKING about. You didn't want to invite her. I don't blame you- she's terrible." That made me fight back tears. Maddie scoffed and said "No, that did NOT happen. I like Taylor. Who do you believe?" I knew Maddie was telling the truth, so I just walked away from Tessa. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tessa say to Maddie "What was that for? I thought we were friends." Maddie replied saying that they were, but she was also my friend. I didn't get to hear the rest of their conversation, because Abby told us it was time to start rehearsal.

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