Chapter 9: Take Off

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Taylor's POV

We arrived at the studio bright and early. A bit too early for my liking. We boarded the bus with our luggage. Each of the girls and moms had 2 suitcases and 2 carry ons each. We got onto the bus and started our journey to the airport. It wasn't the usual competition bus, that one was being repaired. This bus was almost like a big limo. There were each seats that sat in circles around a table, and you could also recline your seat really far back. We also had charging outlets. All the girls sat in a group of seats and the moms sat in a bunch of random seats having small talk. The bus ride was only an hour long. When we arrived at the airport, I pulled out my backpack and shoulder bag, along with my mint green and my black suitcases. We wheeled along as we went through security. Once we finished scanning our bags and getting checked over with a security wand, a muscular young man came over and loaded all of our luggage except our carry-ons onto a conveyor belt where they would be transferred to the plane. We got to the first-class waiting area at 1:37. We didn't want to sit around for an hour so the girls and Kalani's Mom all went to the little stores around the airport.

After going around for an hour, we went to the waiting area. We just sat on our phones until we had to start boarding. "Now Boarding: First Class Pittsburgh to LA boarding group A" the man boomed over the speaker. All the girls and moms hopped up and made our way to the little tunnel which led to the airplane. We sat down in the first class seats. It was almost like a private jet, as we were the only ones in this section of first class and it was designed like a private jet. We all had seats that could be reclined so they were perfectly flat. There was also a lounge area in the front of the cabin. Once we got settled, the safety video came on. None of us really paid attention because we already knew what to do. Moments later the engines started to rumble and we started going down the runway. Once we reached a steady height, all the girls, moms, and Abby reclined their seats and started sleeping.

I woke up before everyone, so I decided to use the planes wifi and go on my phone. I scrolled through Instagram and looked at my snapchat feed. I got bored fast and decided to go back to sleep...

I woke up when the pilot came over the speaker to tell us that we need to start waking up because we were landing in about 20 minutes.

We got off the plane and went to the baggage claim. I got my suitcases and the rest of the girls got theirs. Abby told us to follow her to the shuttle, from there we would take a bus to the hotel.

We made our way to the shuttle, but got interrupted by a huge group of fans. The rest of the girls and moms and Abby all went to say hi, and take pictures, while Tessa and I awkwardly stood there. Then, a stray fan came over and asked for a picture with Tessa. Then the girl came to me and said "oh so you're the other new girl?" With a snippy tone. I hesitantly nodded, and she spoke again "well, as Tessa said, we all know Tessa is going to kick your butt in the solo competition and outshine you in the group routine. Why are you even here?" I was stunned at what the girl said. Did Tessa really say those things? Sure enough, I looked at Tessa's recent on Instagram, and that's what it said. As I was about to accuse her, she ran off to be with the other girls.

Authors Note-
Ooooh cliffhanger (not really) haha i really like writing this so I guessssss I'll continue. Any feedback would be great! Oh and, sorry about the short chapter. My phone is about to die and I really wanted to get something out. Alright peace ✌

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