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     "You're who?"  (Y/N) pinches her lips together as worry pulls her face down.
     "(H/A)," she asserts.  Bakugo glances over at Taiga behind the desk to see if she was fucking with him.  He couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his face before he looks back toward her.  
     "Holy shit," he mumbles.  She draws in a breath as her head swivels uncertainly.  He stared at her and it felt like the world zoomed out.  "That's fucking awesome."
     She laughs, dropping her head down slightly.  He stands as he looks over.
     "Thank you, sir, for the opportunity."  Taiga bows his head and (Y/N) grins, moving to the door to let them out.
     Bakugo looks over at her, watching her face.  Her eyes glimmered when she looks over at him, just slightly watery.
     "You scared me," she chuckles.  "I was terrified, actually."
     "I'm sorry," he breathes quickly.  He matches her pace as they begin down the stairs silently.  He was still reeling from the information.  (H/A).  Probably the singular most powerful hero in the country, known for their ruthlessness and the high-class villains they took down.  They weren't like the pros on the streets, taking out petty criminals robbing stores.  (H/A) was the person who invaded the bunkers underground and took down mob bosses and criminal heads.  (H/A) was the person who they wanted to send to do the entire infiltration of the Yakuza base that lasted almost 8 hours and killed Sir Nighteye and a few other pros.  (H/A) was the person who they reared would've finished the job in less than 2 with no casualities other than maybe their leader, Chisaki.

     Her house looked so different now.  Something small compared to the monumental salary he was sure she got.  Modest, almost meek, with a chest-high fence she unlocked with a key and an old keypad on the front door.  They went inside and he immediately dropped himself in the middle of the couch, surprised by his comfort in the home, and warm from the way she smiled at him, glad he was.
     "I'm not gonna lie," he starts as he sits up.  "I mean, I knew you were powerful.  I knew you kicked all of our asses.  But I never would've guessed you were... (H/A) powerful."  She chuckles at him as she disappears into her pantry and then stops by the drawer to cut open the jerky.
     "What exactly does that mean?" she asks as she moves toward him.  She settles on the end, her back pressing into the armrest and her feet tucked up against her body.
     "(H/A) is known for being deadly and dangerous.  People wonder if they... well, if you can beat All Might."  He smiles at her as his torso turns toward her slightly.  "If you had told me you could properly challenge All Might in a fight before he retired, I probably would've laughed at you.  Or taken you to the hospital again."  She laughs at his shock, her giggles rasping through her teeth and squeaking when she sucked in to take a bite.
     "Yeah," she hums after she swallow the small piece.  "Deadly and dangerous.  Reputation precedes me, unfortunately.  Which is exactly why I'm so strict on people not knowing who I am.  There are already people doing everything they can to hunt me."  He nods his head.
     "Definitely not needless," he agrees.
     "Also, I have fought All Might, many times.  He's a challenging opponent but depending on the day, I could usually take him at full strength and handle myself."
     "That's fucking sick," Bakugo laughs out.  She laughs with him.

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