Chapter 3: The Dark Alley.

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"OMG! TODAY I WILL GONNA BE SO LATE!!!" Taehyung shouted in panic while holding his alarm clock, which badly cheated him. Today he wanted to go to university early, but now it looks like he won't be able to arrive for his first lecture, he hurriedly threw his blanket aside and jumped from his bed, running towards the bathroom to do his morning routine.

He came out quickly after taking a quick bath. He hang the towel on the side that was covering his body and started to explore his closet hurriedly and wear his random clothes, whichever came into his hands, because right now he didn't have time to think and select. After wearing his clothes and packing his bag, he ran downstairs and hurriedly putting on his shoes before making his way out of the door, The poor guy doesn't even have time to eat breakfast today. Taehyung was about to close the door of his house when suddenly he remembered.

"OH SH*T! I FORGOT THE DOOR KEYS INSIDE!!" He sighed in frustration and ran inside once again, coming back with the keys and locking the door. After making sure the door was locked properly, he turned around to go when a car stopped in front of him, making him flinch a little, but then a wide smile appeared on his lips when
he realized whose car it was.

"HYUNGIE!!!" He shouted happily and ran towards the car and without thinking further he opened the door and sit inside. Taehyung hugged the man tightly who was sitting inside as the man also hugged Taehyung back happily while ruffling his neat combed hair making them messed up but Taehyung didn't mind at all cause right now he was very happy to see his beloved brother.

"How is my baby doing hmm?" His brother asked in a very soft tone while gently squeezing his cheeks making him giggle but soon his giggles were replaced with an angry pout and folded his arms over his chest and said angrily.

"Hyungie, I hate you so much!!You are so mean, you don't care about me anymore right?!!" His brother bites his bottom lip trying hard to control his smile but failing because of Taehyung's overload cuteness and staring at him fondly making Taehyung frown his eyebrows angrily and his pout gets even bigger.

"I'm angry with you and you're smiling at me! Do you even know how many times I called you yesterday but you didn't pick up for once nor even call me back you know how much I missed you?!" Taehyung let out sadly while pouting and looking down at his lap while fidgeting his fingers with the hem of his T-shirt. Taehyung felt a gentle touch on his both cheeks when his beloved brother cupped his face and made him looked up at him before smiling and showing his beautiful dimples.

"Hyungie is very sorry Bubba I was busy yesterday that's why I didn't answer your calls and I didn't even get time to call you back either but look today I directly came here to meet you asking for forgiveness because I know my baby is very upset and miss his hyungie too so will you forgive your hyungie, pleaseeee?" He begged making Taehyung sad because of how his brother was begging for forgiveness he couldn't see his brother's sad face. Taehyung sighed before slowly nodding his head with his beautiful boxy smile making his brother chuckle fondly and peck on his forehead.

"Thank you Bubba and hyungie love you so much." He smiled.

"I love you too, Hyungie!" He giggled and hugs his brother tightly but suddenly he back away with a shocked expression making his brother frown his eyebrows confusedly.

"OMO!! Hyungie I forgot I have to go to university and I'm getting extremely late! Please drive your car as fast as you can!!!" He said hurriedly making his Hyung chuckle.

"Yes, boss!" He said jokingly and Taehyung giggle before he started to drive.

Until they will reach university let's know about Taehyung and his beloved hyungie, so his name is Kim Taehyung, 20 years old and he is a second year student at Hansung University and he loves painting, singing, dancing, reading books but most of all he likes painting a lot and he wants to become a very good professional painter artist on which he is working very hard right now and with God's grace one day he will achieve his dreams and become a very good painter just like his mother she was also a very good painter and his father was a Doctor.

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