Chapter 7: Jeon Jungkook.

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Taehyung was walking back to his house from University. He was extremely happy today because today was a very good day for him. Everyone praised him a lot, and it is not that he is not being praised on other days of course he does. Every day he keeps hearing things about himself for being a good manner student, for his kindness and helpful nature, and most importantly for his ethereal beauty.

He always gets compliments and even half of his university students often flirt with him in a playful way some even proposed to him but he rejects them very kindly without broking their hearts but slightly hurting their feelings cause of the rejection. And today he was happy because in university he save a guy who was trying to attempt suicide cause his girlfriend cheated on him. It was hard for Taehyung to convince that guy cause he was not ready to listen to anything but after almost an hour finally, that guy understood Taehyung's sweet comforting, and motivational words.

And in the end, he also becomes Taehyung's friend making Taehyung so happy and he felt so proud of himself. But while helping him he remembered about Chen too and how he helped him that day but that was a really difficult task for him but he did it anyway, he saved Chen from that bad people and he is extremely pleased about it.

After a few more minutes of walking, he finally arrived at his home but there he saw something strange, He saw his house's main door was wide open. Even though Chen was constantly at home but still taehyung locked the door from outside before going somewhere because Chen was afraid of what if Namjoon comes when Taehyung was not at home so for his satisfaction Taehyung always lock the door.

But how can someone open the door because the keys are with him as for Chen, he also does not go out, not at all when Taehyung is not at home and anyway Chen will not be able to go out either because the door is locked from outside, so he will not be able to open the lock then who did it? Then he thought

"N...Namjoon hyungie?!" He shockingly said and immediately run in panic but as soon as he reached the door he saw his living room was completely messed up but suddenly gasped when his eyes went a little forward and saw

He saw one unknown figure sitting on the couch comfortably while his legs crossed, and some other men were standing beside him on both sides while holding big guns in their hands wearing black clothes head to toe with masks on their faces and the thing which shocked Taehyung the most was Chen who was kneeling on the floor with the support of the bulky man who holding Chen's hair from behind in front of that unknown scary guy who was sitting on the couch like a King.

And not only that Chen's white clothes had turned completely red, and blood was coming out from his swollen bruised lips, his nose, and near his left eyebrow his eyes were also red and swollen it was looking as if someone had beaten him a lot. Taehyung's body shudder at the horrible sight and his eyes filled with heavy tears.

"Oh! Welcome home, sweetheart

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"Oh! Welcome home, sweetheart. You took a long time to come but it's okay, my Darling I know you must be busy." Taehyung immediately looked at him in disbelief as soon he heard what he said making Jungkook smirk and chuckled at his reaction which he surprisingly thinks was too adorable before slowly standing up and starting to walk towards Taehyung who widened his eyes and took his step backward instantly even though Jungkook wasn't even close to him.

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