Cherish The Moment

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Hong Hae-in pov

Maybe this is the time for me to introduce him to mom, dad and brother.

Mom will surely be happy when she finds out how kind hyunwoo is.

Hae-in / Her mom Scene


Yes, hae-in?

Let me introduce you to hyunwoo

Alright, tonight for our proper dinner so he will eat here too

Alright, I'll just tell him too

All right.

Hae-in calls hyunwoo.


Hyunwoo, come here at home tonight


Mom and dad want to meet you

All right

See you later.

See you later hae-in

Hae-in hangs up the call

Baek Hyun-woo pov

I'm nervous about meeting Hae-in's parents.

They will like me.



Hae-in has gone out because hyunwoo is close.

hyunwoo has arrived.

hyunwoo kissed hae-in on the cheeks.

Let's go?

let's go

Are you nervous?

Yes, a while ago, what if they don't like me.

What are you, they will like you, I'm right next to you hyunwoo.

hyunwoo held hae-in's hand and they entered hae-in's house

Hae-in's parents are already waiting at the table.

Hyunwoo asks for Hae-in's hand from her parents.

In the table..

Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Hong.

Take a seat hyunwoo - Mr. Hong Beom-jun

Thank you. - hyun-woo

Hyunwoo and Hae-in sit down

Hyunwoo, are you sure about our daughter? - Mrs. Hong Seon-hwa

Yes, definitely sure. - hyun-woo

They talked.

Mr. And Mrs. Hong, may I ask for the hand of your daughter Hong Hae-in. - hyun-woo

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