Hyun-Tae Girlfriend

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Do you want to know how Song Yeon-su and I met?

It's like this.

We are in the same high school class.

First day of class.

I sat next to her.

She is the smart one in our class and I just love to draw.

To be honest, we don't always get along, like dogs and cats when we fight.

I think it's because of her that she's very selfish.

So since then we have always been fighting, we can't get along.

But since then it took a while.

I started to like her.

I don't know why, but she has a side that she only shows me.

Because our classmates think of her as selfish, like she doesn't care, that's why she doesn't have any friends.

Since then we have not fought.

We got to know each other better.

I got to know her better.

This is when I started courting her.

Always telling her that she is very beautiful.

The fun is different when I'm with him, I can let out my immaturity in a good way.

The fun is different when I'm with him, I can let out my immaturity in a good way

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A few years later, he answered me.

This is our girlfriend and boyfriend era.

Until the day came when we had a misunderstanding

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Until the day came when we had a misunderstanding.

I had a hard time understanding her.

Because her decision in life is always different.

So we thought about separating.

Our separation is not good.

Hae-in knows how I was hurt so much when Yeon-su suddenly broke up with me.

Until I tried to forget her but I couldn't.

Until the time came when we met again.

I didn't know what to do when I saw her again.

Until fate always brings us together.

We talked again after a few months.

We talked about each other.


When we became more mature.

We came back to each other.

And here we are now.

Happy, we understand each other better now.

We are happier now.

Because of Hae-in and Hyun-woo why we got along again

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Because of Hae-in and Hyun-woo why we got along again.

If I hadn't listened to Hyun-woo's advice to me, maybe until now, nothing would have happened.

I appreciated Yeon-su more and loved her very much.

She is the same to me.

We had more patience with each other.

I'll just tell mom dad and Hae-in they'll be happy for sure.

So if you want something, don't let it go.

Yes you will have misunderstandings but that doesn't mean you will leave her.

It is better to fix it together, and overcome the problems.


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