90 and 91-Peter and Emma and Zig and Maya

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Peter and Emma sit across from each other at a corner booth. The café buzzes with students chatting and sipping coffee.

Peter: (leaning in) "So, Emma, what's the deal with Zig and Maya? They've been giving each other those longing glances lately."

Emma: (sips her latte) "Yeah, it's like they're dancing around their feelings. But you know Maya—she's been through so much. Losing Cam hit her hard."

Peter: "True. And Zig? He's got this bad-boy exterior, but deep down, he's a softie. I remember when he was torn between you and Tori."

Emma: "Ugh, that love triangle. But Zig actually liked her at the beginning, then stayed with Tori just because he didn't see an issue with them. (rolls eyes)"

Peter: "And now he's tangled up with Maya. Maybe we should give them some advice."

Zig and Maya enter The Dot, sitting at a nearby table.

Maya: (whispering to Zig) "Why are we here? I thought we were just meeting for coffee."

Zig: "Relax, Maya. Peter and Emma are relationship veterans. They'll help us figure things out."

Emma: (waves) "Hey, Zig! Maya! Join us!"

Zig and Maya slide into the booth, exchanging awkward glances.

Peter: "Alright, lovebirds, spill. What's going on?"

Maya: "Well, Zig and I... We're friends, but there's something more. I just don't want to mess it up."

Zig: "Maya's right. We've got this chemistry, but I'm afraid of losing her as a friend."

Emma: "First rule: Honesty. You both need to communicate. Zig, tell Maya how you feel."

Zig: (takes a deep breath) "Maya, when I'm with you, other girls are just... other girls. None of them are you. How don't you get that?"

Maya: (blushing) "Zig, I... I feel the same way. But Cam's death messed me up, and I'm scared."

Peter: "Second rule: Timing. Maya, take your time. Zig, be patient. Love doesn't follow a schedule."

Emma: "And third rule: Jealousy. Zig, don't let it consume you. Maya, trust him."

Zig and Maya exchange a glance, their fingers brushing against each other.

Maya: "Zig, I don't want other fish either. Just you."

Zig: "Then let's be more than friends, Maya."

Emma nudges Peter, smiling.

Emma: "See? Even bad-boy Zig can learn a thing or two about love."

Peter: "Yeah, and maybe we should take our own advice sometimes."

As Zig and Maya lean in for a kiss, Peter and Emma share a knowing look.

Emma: "Love's messy, but it's worth it."

Peter: "Agreed."

And in that cozy corner of The Dot, four hearts found their way.

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