𝐓𝐖𝐎, edwin, hurry the fuck up

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trigger warnings : mild blood

trigger warnings : mild blood

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VIKTOR SLIDE THE CASE PAPER INTO IT'S SLOT, before standing behind the desk, beside Edwin who was leant back in his chair, hands clasped. There was a tall window behind the desk, which just so happened to have a ledge inside, meaning that there was a small space that Viktor could sit or lean on.

Charles took his place on the edge of the desk, where he always sat during client interviews, or outside of them.

"And because the next exhibit is about the Great War, there are spirits still attached to that pain and anguish," the nurse explained to the trio, "Ghosts who cannot let go," Viktor confirmed.

"I stay in this word to help them move on. It's my unfinished work," she added on; there was a sweetness in her voice that Viktor didn't find in many clients, let alone ghosts. She was polite and despite having what sounded like a frustrating job, she spoke with nothing but kind words about the ghosts she had seen.

"Sounds like us three," Charles commented with a grin, turning to the Victorian and Edwardian boys, "Ghosts solving the cases no one else can," Neither said anything as the nurse continued to explain her predicament, "I came to you because one of the ghosts has gone a bit . . . mad," 

Viktor noticed the hesitant tone she spoke in at the end, her eyes glancing away from the three for the briefest second. He adjusted the grip on his cane unconsciously as he observed her actions. He noticed a small twitch on Edwin's face at her words as well.

"I'd like to hire you to unravel this conundrum," she paused, "I've heard you're the best,"

The three ghosts grinned at each other.


The three dead boys passed through the wooden door, stumbling over to a tall mirror in the corner of the quiet room; it had the same distasteful green wallpaper as the hallway they came from.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, dead boy detectivesWhere stories live. Discover now