It's going down

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Back at Auradon Carlos he wakes up

"Mmm. what?" Carlos says

" Not bad" Carlos says as he sees the 3-D printer of the wand

"Yeah" Jay says

" Let's go" Jay says

" Let's go. yeah" Carlos says

" Hey guys, what about me?" dude says

"No, dude I told you you stay" Carlos says

" I'm serious stay" Carlos says

Dude whines

" I love you, buddy. We'll be back before you know it." Carlos says as Jay and Carlos go for the door.

Carlos and Jay open the door

" oh hey" Doug says

" Have you seen Evie and Elena and Cinnamon and Ruby?" Doug says

"Uh.." Jay says

" They went camping" Carlos says making Jay chuckle

" Evie and Elena " I wanna live in a castle" and Cinnamon " I wanna a royally handsome prince" " Doug says as he's confused that Evie and Elena and Cinnamon and Ruby went camping without him

" I mean, Cinnamon can't sleep on the ground with no place to plug in her hairdryer? Plus cinnamon hates anything that's dirty" Doug says

" You know how spontaneous Evie and Elena are, bro" Carlos says

Jay chuckles

" Right?" Jay says

"Yeah" Carlos says

"Totally. totally" Jay says

" Later, Doug" Carlos says

The boys turn around and see Lonnie

" I'm coming with you guys" Lonnie says

Jay chuckles

" What?" Jay says

" we don't need swords at the....." Jay says

" Waffle hut" Jay says as he sees Lonnie is looking at him

" You're going to the lsle to rescue Ben and Bella's on the lsle too" Lonnie says

" Look, it's either you take me, or i'm gonna have to tell Fairy Godmother" Lonnie says

"Okay" Lonnie says excited because the boys agreed to take Lonnie

"Really?" Lonnie says excited

Back on the lsle

"Coochy-coochy coo" Harry says

" How's it feel to be the king now, eh?" Harry says

Harry laughs

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