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16 ☆ ( "I'M TIRED

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16( "I'M TIRED." )

The historical period of 1867 included–

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The historical period of 1867 included–

No, no. That needs rephrasing. The notes look weird now. Scribble, rip!

During the era of 1867, there was–

1867 is a year, Rie, not an era. Are you stupid? Scribble, scribble, riiip–


I flinched, my eyes closing briefly. Foolish, Rie. What are you so afraid of? "Bubblegum girl," My eyes fluttered open. I saw Riki staring at me, legs spread to sit comfortably. I placed my pen down and practically ripped out my earbuds from my ear. He watched every move, frowning at every sharp action, and I could sense in his eyes he was afraid he was upsetting me. "It's already six thirty. Are you sure you don't want to go home yet? The sun's going to set."

I masked my displeasure. "Let me finish one more page of notes."

"You've been saying that ever since Teacher Fujii finished class," Riki grumbled, pouting. "Aren't you tired?"

I pressed my lips together, disregarding my posture by leaning in. "If it bothers you, Riki, then how about you go home?" That surprised him. I must've been acting rude, but I meant it–if he was tired, he might as well leave me here.

"You know I can't do that."

"Why can't you?" I furrowed my eyebrows, clearly in a mood. Shrugging, I scoffed. "Is it because I'm injured, Riki? Don't worry about me. I can get home in the dark just fine."

"What the hell is going on with you? What's your problem?" Riki furrowed his eyebrows, mocking my expression. "Why are you being so defensive all of a sudden? Are you on your period?"

Are you serious?

"Or, is this about the festival?" He scoffed, raking his hair back. "Come on, Rie. You can't be serious. That happened a week ago, and besides, you only twisted your ankle! It's not like you died!"

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