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2 Missed Calls from America's Ass

4 Text messages from America's Ass

1 Missed Call from Nat

3 Text messages from Nat

3 Text messages from Unknown

2 Missed Calls from Unknown

Steve, Nat, and Sam couldn't get ahold of Daniel, his apartment was broken into by HYDRA, when they saw that the apartment was empty, with glass broken and blood everywhere. They stole a car to get to the Triskelion, and also managed to capture a HYDRA mole, Agent Jasper Sitwell too.

On their way to the Triskelion they were ambushed by none other than, The Winter Soldier, a ghost story killing over 2 dozen people in the span of 50 years. Who was on the roof of the car when he suddenly pulled Sitwell out of the car and threw him out onto oncoming traffic, killing him.

Whilst the trio were fighting The Winter Soldier, his mask fell off, revealing to Steve the true identity behind it, Bucky Barnes, his best friend.


Daniel was protecting his niece from the HYDRA guards that were torturing, spitting, and soaking him in ice cold water for their own amusement, he kept on tolerating the pain so that Clara wouldn't experience any of it, he was about to try and fight back when a guard injected him with a needle and he started feeling like he was about to faint. Before he fainted, he saw his older brother, Calvin, the father of Clara, hitting his own child.

Once Daniel had woken up, he saw that he was strapped onto a table with men in white coats surrounding him. He tried breaking free from the restraints only to be injected with another sedative. This time, he wanted to fight the sedative, unfortunately his efforts were in vain as the sedative they gave him was even stronger than the one before. As soon as he went under, the men in white coats started injecting him with what ever they had, and then throwing him into a cell, before burning the numbers 007 on his back.

After they were done with Daniel, they wanted to experiment on Clara, to see what the serums they had prepared would do to a 5 year old. They had dragged Clara, her body covered in blood, to the laboratory table, and restrained her.  They gave her a sedative and she was out like a light. They had injected the super soldier serum and a new serum, they had called Paradise. It was to give them super healing powers, and make it so that even if they're badly injured, they can heal within minutes. The scientists were smiling, they finally had new test subjects to play around with.

In the other room, The Winter Soldier was getting wiped, then put into his cell, which was just across from Daniel's cell.

Hours later, Daniel finally woke up in cell, feeling pain all over his body, like he had just been beaten up by multiple people. He looked to the side to see The Winter Soldier watching him very intensely. Daniel tries to get up, but falls, his legs felt like jelly. He just succumbed to his weakened state and just continues to lay on the floor. 'What the hell did I do to deserve this?' He thought to himself. He replayed the memory of today,

I turned off the TV and carry Clara to her bed, yes I have a bed for her, Vin likes to leave and not come home for days on end, so he likes to keep Clara with me. I look at her so softly, she's so cute. Suddenly, I heard glass shatter, I grab my sword and open the door to see multiple HYDRA agents in my apartment. As soon as they noticed me, they knocked me out. Next thing I knew, me and Clara were in a cell, my first instinct was to protect her. Some guards enter the cell-

Daniel was pulled from his thoughts by someone entering his cell, Vin, oh how Daniel wanted to kill him that second. "How does it feel?" Calvin smirks as he made that snarky comment, "What the fuck did I ever do to you!?" Daniel look at him anger in his eyes, "You stole the spotlight from me." Calvin stated through gritted teeth.

'What are we children!?' Daniel thought to himself, after his older brother made such childish statement. Daniel decided to just stay silent, so that Calvin would get bored and frustrated enough to just leave Daniel alone. That was the worse mistake Daniel would ever make in his live.

Hehe sorry for the short chapter, I ran out of ideas, will continue this in the next chapter

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