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Hello! I would be the Author of this little (or not so little story). I'll be calling myself Void (don't really wanna use my real name) and I use She/Her pronouns. This is the first book I've ever written on this app so I might be a little rough and need some editing later. If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes don't be afraid to let me know. I'm also someone who likes a little bit of constructive criticism so please don't feel bad about bashing the story just a little bit.

One other thing, I don't like stories where they have a random A/N page in the middle of the book so I'll do little updates on the end of pages or notes I have. However, larger updates will be placed on this page marked with the date of writing those updates. If you are American and a bit confused by the date It goes Day. Month. Year for many others around the world, such as the U.K., which is the main reason why I'll be using this type of dating. Anyway, I believe that's all I have to say for the first part of this A/N page and I hope that you will enjoy this book as much as I enjoy writing. 

Love from your lovely writer,                                                                                                                                             Void.


I'm so tired I can't even rn. I felt the need to write before I got burned out, and I knew I would eventually. But how are you guys doing, hope everything is okay. Yeah, I'm dying to sleep now. I'm not sure why I'm even righting this. I'm going to go now... bye


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