ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Madness is the only accurate way to describe  Atlanta International Airport. Why was it so bad? Well one, the whole airport has over 1,000 adolescents from one of the most elite hero schools in the entire U.S., and second, the Atlanta Airport was always busy. Pile both of those together and what comes out is madness and insanity. Quickly I checked my phone at 3:25 a.m., the flight was leaving at 3:45 a.m., well at least my flight was. I groan knowing exactly why we have to be here early but still dislike it. On said flight, my friends had all chosen to sit together and I got left alone with a middle seat. What could make this worse? I sigh and look over to see Nick looking over before letting out a small yelp as someone touches my shoulders and calls, "Group Picture!" Smiling quickly and looking at the phone shoved in my face by Amber.

"Do you always have to scare me when taking pictures Amber, you never bother Dawn." I pout a little which causes us all to laugh as Amber sets the photo as the group chat icon. Due to the nature of where we were headed, I was anxious about what would happen to Amber, the xenophobia there was relatively unchecked. Amber, with her dark skin and tightly curled hair, might be a bigger target than the rest of us. Hearing a scoff I turn to see Dawn as some guy tries to hit on her with one of the worst pick-up lines known to entire humankind, he would be rewarded with a kick to the shin. Leaving the three of us almost rolling on the floor in fits of giggles and chuckles as the guy tries to hit on her again, not getting the hint even after a powerful kick to the shin. Let's just say he's not having kids after what Dawn had done. However, her act gained a 'whoop' and 'hell yeah get it girl' from my two companions before the flight was called. Dawn was used to this her long copper hair and freckled face attracted many along with her voice to serenade you at any moment. We all walk onto the plane chatting before getting to the cabin and setting into our seats. I tilt my head back and close my eyes for a moment, relaxing.

The flight was a living medieval torture chamber, The reason being on both sides of me were two theater kids randomly chatting and singing on the plane, yes singing then there was the family behind me with a random child that I wished to throw out of the cabin door due to them kicking the back of my seat and the loud crying, I would have done it if it wasn't a federal crime in every country. My friends had no problem with this seeing as they were in a different part of the plane. After about 14 hours of plane ride with my ears bleeding from the volume I had to turn my headphones up so that I could drown out the noise from around me, otherwise, we arrived at our destination, a place I knew fairly well, for one reason or another I was welcomed by the sight of Japan and it's many buildings built high and strong. After the war, everything had to be reconstructed but it looked almost the same. Me and my friends grab a taxi to our hotel checking in online not wanting to deal with the process of checking in at the counter with our teachers to get physical keys. After arriving at the hotel, I quickly settled into the room I picked, all the rooms having different bedrooms with showers in each of them. The gang and I freshen up before heading out to explore the streets of Japan. City immediately captures my attention, and I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder at being in such a vibrant and culturally rich environment, even if it does lack diversity. It's been so long but It was nice to see the city of Musutafu. The sun peaking just above the horizon we got to still see some of the lights one before the day started as it was only just 6:45. Some cars passed as people began an early communte to work

"Wow, this place is amazing! Can you believe we're here?" (Nick)

"I can't wait to try all the delicious food here. This trip is going to be incredible!" (Amber)

 "I've heard there are some great shopping districts around here. I'm looking forward to checking them out." (Dawn)

"You guys do remember that we have class tomorrow with the U.A. students correct." I chime in reminding them we had something to do tomorrow. and that we couldn't just stay out until we felt tried even if we did sleep on the plane.

"Oh come on! you've been here before Elysia! You should be able to tell us where to go!" Amber her ever-hyper self exclaimed before I shook my head with a little breath as an exhale

"I used to know the streets, although no the well seeing as my cousin lives in a smaller town about an hour away, but after the war, it's kind of hard with no reference of where exactly we should go. After all, everything was remade and most things are in different places because of it," I say looking slightly forewarned before pulling out my phone with a small text from my cousin I read it quickly with a smile now on my face before turning to smile before searching up places to go and looking over to Dawn "How about we head to the shopping district, it's only a block or two away, seems nice enough and had some food over there too," I say as Dawn is already leading the way for us to go spend our money.

After a long time of shopping the jet lag finally kicked in at about 9:30-ish a.m, we decided to hit the bed so that we could get some sleep, smiling to myself as I stared at the ceiling thinking about the trip and how I'll not only learn but gain a core memory made with all my friends. Six months, even though it seems long I shouldn't be at all, six months of fun and training. Six months of nonesense with my silly billys. Six months of new friendships and hopes. I guess I'll get a new persepective from U.A. and maybe thats the best thing for me. I turn the light off and with a slight cycle of wind and a lopsided grin, I fall into a slumber.

A/N                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sorry if this chapter seems to be a bit filler-ish and a bit small but I feel we should understand that we didn't start in Japan, as my O.C. is an American and gave a little information about Atlas Leap. Along with that, the war is over, however, I will not keep some of the major injuries of the character in this book because 1. the chapters with that information are newer 2. the anime is not to that point yet and 3. it wouldn't make sense to have the characters we know and love for a fun little story to be war raged to the point where they are injured beyond their limits. This is just a little fun project and should not follow a lot of the plot of the original manga or story only taking bits of it when needed. With that out of the way have a good day or night.

Love your amazing writer.


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