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Alarms, what gives? Why does every alarm company have to make their alarms so you either sleep through them or think there is a category 4 hurricane barreling towards you? I guess I'll never know. The hotel must have gotten the latter because at around 5:30 the alarm clock next to me began to scream in my ear, what a lovely thing to start my day. Slowly rising out of bed, I hastily shower and throw on clean clothes before heading out to get breakfast started for my friend and me making F/F (Favorite Food) for the four of us to plate it, thank god we went shopping and I was able to pick up some things for the first two days. I then proceed to eat my share of the food as my friends slowly begin to wake up. Nick was up first, his long-ish brown hair falling in front of his tan, faintly freckled skin, and rich brown eyes with specks of gold. Next was Dawn waking up around the time of her namesake, her copper hair and green eyes looking almost flawless in the morning light even though she looked a bit like a ghost if it hadn't been for the small bit of blood permanently in her cheeks. Amber was always a slow waker with midnight skin and dark void-like eyes, It always seemed very fitting to me seeing as she was never an early bird like me, the chronic workaholic and mother of our little rag-tag team.

"Good morning metal brain." Nick snickered after his remark with a mouth full of food which made Dawn shake her head slightly before looking over to the slow waker giving a small nod as a signal of life as I stared forward already finished with my food.

"Alright Urchin," Amber remarked before sitting down and eating some of the food before looking up at me slightly surprised as she started her usual early morning yap. Amber might be the last one to wake up but she has the most energy as she starts to talk at a rapid-fire speed at me, "You ready for today? I mean you are top of the class you should give a speech in full Japanese to get us introduced or something, speaking of which class did you get I got class 2-A! Honesty excited-," she would soon stop due to realizing she was rambling before returning to eat earning a slight laugh from me. Amber the orange cat of the group as always. 

"Glad we got the same class but no I'm not giving a speech and we all have to speak Japanese we're all, what, at least trilingual now? I don't know why they make us take two languages but.." I say continuing. "I'm not exactly sure what's gonna happen. The teacher hasn't given me a paper or sent an email at all which is odd for her." I say propping up one of my elbows on the countertop as my phone goes off with a time to be downstairs, before looking up to the others "We need to start to head down in about 5 minutes so finish up." I said before heading to my room to get what I needed for the day including my hero costume. What can go wrong?


"Right gather around students." Mrs. Jamiy called out to all of us, "Not I know today is extremely nerve-racking but you've worked hard for this and should be prepared, now Elysia, Alexander, and Lucus. Because all of you are at the top of the Hero course class, You'll wait outside for the others to come to you." The three of us nod before she runs on, "you'll also need to get into your hero costumes before so head straight to the locker rooms, don't worry you'll have a map." She said laughing at our nervous faces because of the unfamiliar school and overall environment. "With that everyone should have been split between the two classes, treat the teachers with respect, and be as friendly and polite as an elite school should be, climb to your Atlas." she finished off with the moto of the school always chanted as monotoned as possible. Were U.A. you should say "Plus Ultra" as cheerfully as you can "Climb your Atlas" was supposed to strike hard and push you to the top of your mountain. As Greek myth put it, hold the sky forever once you get to the top. Although it's a punishment in the tale we use it as motivation to do what we need to. Along with that, the hero system in the U.S. mainly revolved around the branches of our military, making the tone close to what it would be like in a boot camp. As we all boarded the buses that were to take us to the school of U.A. ready for the new chapter that was about to unfold we all held our excitement back, well most of us. 

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