[⚠] List of Power

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Updated at : 24 / 06 / 2024

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Updated at : 24 / 06 / 2024

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List of Takashi's Kekkei Genkai's Ability

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1. Life Release: New Life [ 新しい命を]

"Atarashī inochi o"

To bring a new life from inorganic matters, able to be controlled and manipulate by the users. As long as user controlled their creation(s), every damage done to the creation(s) will be reflected back. This is one of the jutsu from Takashi's Life Ninjutsu.

2. Life Release: Life Force [生命力]


To give a life force to a living being. Must done in a moderate amount for too much force will cause nerve damage and even worse.

Note (!) If this this Ninjutsu is used in a overwhelming amount to create an overdrive, cells within target will be eradicated instead of rejuvenated.

3. Life Release: Cell Regeneration [ 細胞 の 再生 ]

"Saibō no saisei"

Cells regeneration. A passive skill that works for as long as Takashi is 'alive'. Works far better when actively used.

(New!) - 24 / 06 / 2024

4.Life Release: Existence Swap [ 存在 の 交換 ]

"Sonzai no kōkan"

Takashi's version of substitution jutsu, developed further using his Kekkei Genkai.

The difference between his version to its predecessor is the requirement and it's implementation. Instead of swapping places with logs, Takashi uses this technique to swap places with living things.

This technique is only accessible when Takashi released his 'Spirit' seal since constant flow of Chakra is needed to visualize the path of the swapping. And since there's a limited time for Takashi to released said seal, he can uses this technique in certain time.

But even if this technique is only accessible for so long, no hand seal is needed and to enacted the technique is as fast as clapping one's hand. It's instantaneous in effect.

Power is heavily inspired by Aoi Todo's Boogie Woogie.

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List of Takashi's other expertise...

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1. Ninja Art : Chakra Barrier [ 結界術 ]


--> Creating barrier out of chakra

2. Hidden Ninja Art : Chakra Clones [ チャクラ分身術 ]

"Chakura bunshin-jutsu"

--> Creating clones of one self using pure chakra.

3. Ninja Art : Elevated Vision [ 視力 の 向上 ]

"Shiryoku no kōjō"

--> Elevating sight to see beyond the literal.

4. Chakra Manipulation [ チャクラ の 操作 ]

"Chakura no sōsa"

--> The basic study of ninshu that Takashi implemented to further developed his Ninjustsu. This is a study Takashi had gather from his experience travelling far and wide around the world.

5. Spirit Summon - Takeo [ 精霊召喚 - タケオ ]

"Seirei shōkan - Takeo"

--> To call the spirit of his late twin, Takeo. Takeo had a power Takashi desperately trying to hide, but it seems like the more Takashi grew stronger, the unspeakable power also grow stronger.

 Takeo had a power Takashi desperately trying to hide, but it seems like the more Takashi grew stronger, the unspeakable power also grow stronger

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If reader had complain regarding of Takashi as a Protagonist, I will try my best to response to the critics. This is done for quality control, in hopes I can refine the quality of this Fan Fiction. 

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