Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission

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Few months prior

Takashi and Sasuke meet up for their semiannual meetings, as promised by each other. The deal was that Takashi vow to let Sasuke do whatever he wants to get stronger for as long as Sasuke promised that he still keep in touch with his friends through letters. It was an idea Sasuke once thought to be empty and foolish, but nowadays, it was something he secretly desires. 

Sasuke was the first to arrived at their usual spots. There he sat beneath a maple tree, the bright grassy meadows in his gaze. Sasuke looks down at his right hand where he gently held some letters for Sakura. 

Although the young Uchiha received a lot of letters from others than Sakura, Sasuke only finds the need to replied to Sakura. It was something Takashi continuously teases him for, but Sasuke endured all of the childish remarks because unfortunately, the Senju have the power to settle their affairs at the moment.

Truth be told, Sasuke never held an ill intent to kill Takashi, seeing as the Senju seems to grow to understand him better in some regards. Where it felt like he's just a rival and the friend Naruto desperately wants for gratification, Takashi on the other hand, deals with cards Sasuke gave to him as it is. Takashi never chase for the idea that they could be friends, but the Senju never fails to set realistic challenges and wisdom. Sasuke admires the Senju both as a rival and a comrade in their sickening shinobi world. 

Recalling each and every letters from Naruto however, the young Uchiha can not ignore it either how Naruto's view of him never seem to change. Despite his flaws, Naruto truly cares for his wellbeing and never judge Sasuke for his questionable desicion. 

Now Sasuke is not the best when it comes to processing emotion other than vengeance and hatred, but thankfully for him, before Sasuke could burst his head with overthinking, Takashi finally came with scrolls in his hands.

"Yo!" Grinned Takashi shamelessly, as if he's not late into the meeting he forced upon Sasuke. "What? Are you that cold that you're not gonna greet me back? You're cold Sasuke-kun." Sasuke was getting uncomfortable by how childish Takashi has become. 

"I keep questioning how you get to be called the Abominable Savant really." Sasuke scoffed. "All I'm seeing is the Idiot Savant, by how you are acting." The young Uchiha added as he look away. 

"Still a meanie I see." Takashi smiles as he took a seat besides Sasuke. "Here, mom got you some foods and drinks in the green scrolls and as for the letters, they're stored within the usual one. The red one." Takashi point out. 

"Mhm, as usual. . . these are from me. For Sakura." Sasuke gave Takashi said letters, neatly packed within his envelope. 

"What are you guys talking about anyway? You don't strike me as an intriguing chatter, you know?" Takashi wonder as he accepted Sasuke's packet. 

"How I talk with her is none of your business really." Sasuke bites back, matching Takashi's mocking attitude. "One of these days, I'll finally find a way to kill you. You better start count your days." Sasuke threatened, but Takashi merely laugh at him.

"Sure buddy, whatever helps you sleep I suppose." Takashi chuckles, but Sasuke noted that it has a bitter tone to it. It sounds as if Takashi himself is coping to the fact that he's very hard to kill. 

Isn't being hard to kill a gift? Especially in shinobi world too? Good heavens, Takashi never fails to confuses Sasuke. 

Nevertheless, the two then continue with their usual routine. Whereas Takashi prefer to take a little bit of rest, Sasuke  use the chance to read all the letters that was addressed just for him. The young Uchiha much prefer to read the letters instantly as he wouldn't get the best chance when he returns to Orochimaru's base. 

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