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***y/n pov***

I hear some men talking. By the sound of their talking I realised they are so close but I can't see anything. Pinching my eyes tighter I shook my head and opened my eyes slowly. The first thing I saw infront of me wasn't a dark dirty basement that I, possibly, expected. After blinking and reopening my eyes to clear my vision I saw a computer lit infront of me. I would've praised the model and beauty of this high tech computer if my head wasn't killing me with pain. I'm sure I tried to move but couldn't, only then I felt a warm metal clutched around my wrist and my hands tied back to the chair I'm sitting on.

This woke me up as I immediately snapped my head all across the room just to feel the rolling chair I'm sitting on getting dragged backward. I flinched hard and looked back but before I did, the person behind me comes to the front, took another chair and sat on it. No mask.

High cheekbones and knife-like sharp jawline. Messy strands of his hair falls on his face and some are slicked backward like he just ran his hand through it. For a moment he was silent and kept staring through my soul with pure hatred and darkness in his gaze. It was enough to kill me because his eyes held a dark icy colour like a combination of blue and grey and of course, the planning of my murder. What more prominent is, a scar, a long scar on his left cheek that ends on his jaw.

Not a minute later another man comes into my view. He is muscular and broader. Both having muscles like they have a competition of taking in more space as they walk. His eyes are burning black and his jet black hair falls on the cuts of his shoulders, some of his hair is tied in a man bun that is illuminating his sharp jaw. The most scary thing is that they both hold same gaze on me. Should I praise their exceptional looks to stop them from looking at me like planning all type of tortures?

"I can't believe a creature like her became our target." The one with long hair speak and shake his head annoyingly.
My eyes ran back forth between both of the guys as the one sitting on the chair and looking more deadly spoke,
"Let's come clear before I kill you." Straightening his back, he took out a gun from behind his back. "Who do you work for?"

My eyes widened and burned with the headache but that's none of the concern because my eyes are stuck on that weapon in his hand. I'm coming across too many guns today. And the thought that one of the bullet inside it is going to kill me today... is terrifying.
"I was expecting you to scream. That's boring now." Long haired one expressed but my eyes never left the gun in other man's tattooed hand.
"What-?" I mumbled, so stupid but I didn't catch what he just said. His eyes darkened more and jaw ticked with annoyance. His grip around the gun tightening more.
"He said who do you fvcking work for?" Another manly and raspy voice rang right behind me making me jump hard, I hissed as the clutches around my wrists nearly cuts my skin.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied in a low voice but managed not to stutter. It won't work that way, I don't want them to see how terrified I am. And the fact I'm not even that weak, I can beat the shit out of the assholes who misbehaves but this one includes guns and I probably know who they might be. The ones I accidentally messed with.

"Tsk tsk wrong answer." The guy behind me said in his raspy voice and pushed the chair forward with a harsh jolt, in a split second I was right infront of the guy sitting on the chair with a gun. He shoved my face up by grasping my jaw and dig his nails in my flesh. Then a cold metal tip touches under my chin and
I closed my eyes to control my weeping and screaming heart to not get a attack.
"I will sh**t each limb of yours and cut your fingers till you open that fucking mouth of yours." He growled. I was clenching my fist for my dear life and trembled meekly in his hand.
"Sad that Gav saw you waking up." New guy who pushed me towards this psycho said with fake pity and stood next to the long haired one.
"He will surely kill the girl alone J, where is Sg and V?"
"Talking about where they will burn her body."
My eyes widened out of sockets and the both others chuckled like that was a silly joke. "Gottcha!"
J named guy exclaimed in de*d serious tone and sarcasm.

"Why the fuck she looks like an innocent little puppy?" His eyes narrowed.
"Don't make me ask again." Ignoring both guys Gav pressed the barrel tip harder.
"Who hired you to hack our system?"
"That was a m-mistake." I whispered and both other heads snapped towards me.
Gav's jaw ticked, the annoyance in his eyes showing how badly he wants to kill me.
"My girl, I see you got balls and skill to hack our system." Long haired one says and shoves his hands in his pockets. "However, I'm not a man to give advices still I'd say, don't play with us. It'll be more painful."
"Put the gun down, Gav."

A composed and much deeper voice ranged across from distance. I recognise this voice. All three heads snapped towards the direction of the man who spoke but my head was stuck in brutal grasp of this beast who's name is Gav.
They are using code names, I noticed.
Silence filled the room and Gav lowered his gun, glanced at me with dark eyes and gave a brutal squeeze on my jaw before letting it go. The area of my skin where his fingers grasp burns like a bitch, might've left a red mark. Ignoring that I snapped my head back and spotted not one but two men.
I recognise those eyes. It's strange I did recognise him just by his eyes because he is not wearing a mask right now.

His piercing gaze was accentuated by strong, defined brows that framed his captivating eyes burns with hint of grey in black. A perfectly sculptured nose complemented his high cheekbones. A hint of stubble shadowed
his jawline, enhancing his rugged  masculinity and all I could see was detachment and dangerous fire that burns through his eyes. The eyes of a hungry beast who wants to lurk and rule.

He automatically stands out by his aura and power to make these three wankers in control by some words. They definitely don't look like they ever listened to someone but this kind of obedience can be conflict by respect not power.
I'm damned to look straight into the eyes I recognised from earlier. He was the one who kidnapped me. He began to take calculated and predator steps towards us with another man who looks older than all of them but doesn't seem to bat an eye in accordance to his age. I'm sure I saw my murder in his eyes too but he looks away and fixed his glasses. Seemingly calm and reserved.

Three of them dressed in expensive black suits and two of them in jackets and pants. All black like the energy their souls radiate. They're on to killing me so bad and I wonder how to explain the shit I stirred.
"I see you recognised me, y/n."
A warm feeling enraged in my brain. The intensity in his voice, the way my name slipped from his lips was sending shivers in my body like a fire igniting. My breath came out shaky, the metal tightening brutally around my wrists.
It's fear. It's all fear, Isn't it?
"Guess what she said Sg?" J spoke unbelievably. "That it was a fucking mistake!!"
The one with glasses shot a look at me like he want to strangle me.
"The fuck?" Sg whispered. Narrowing his eyes like he wanna take out my soul all by himself. His hatred looks different from others, like he doesn't want to believe the matter.
"Hell yeah and guess what V?" The long haired one refers to the man who was staring at me without blinking. V, they call him V.

"She didn't screamed after seeing the gun! I 100% expected her to faint again when this scary motherfucker Gav strangled her jaw, but she didn't."
"Ok shut it Jk." J smacked his shoulder.
"Is she really the one?" Gav looks up towards V with anger visible in his gaze even though he doesn't gives the expression.
"We're going to check it." V replied. Are they going to torture me? Oh no.

"Open her cuffs and tie them on front." Sg spoke. Don't tie them again, I plead them in my head. Gav stood up and Jk comes forward to do as ordered. my tongue has knotted. I want to explain but don't know how to.
"Don't cry too soon, I might enjoy it too much." I glared up at Jk who was handling the cuffs and my hands so roughly as I pursed my lip not to whimper.
He smirks and once he was done he rolls my chair back so the computer faces me.
They're going to check what? That I really hacked some fucking file?
How's the story going? I'm not at writing after ending words though.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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