1. Day Of The Dino: Part 1

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Episode Summuray: When Mesorog, an evil scientist, unleashes bio zords on the city, former power ranger, Tommy Oliver recruits four high school kids to become power rangers and tame the beasts

Authors Note: Hope u guys liked the first ever chapter! : )

Hannah Carpenter Pov:

I'm a bit nervous of my first day of freshmen year. I mean.. Heck, yah, I'm nervous. I've supposed to get a individual tour today, so I can be excuse of being late to my classes on the first day

I have my hair down with my green headband on, a green long sleeves t-shirt on, though only the sleeves are dark green and a pair of blue short jeans on, since it doesn't get that cold in the part of california where I am (excuse me if I got that wrong. I don't
really know 😅)

I know, right? Sooo simple outfit. Lemme tell you this, I'm not those kind of girls who like to dressed up and being all girly

I walked out of my babysitter's car. She's really nice and sweet. Her name is Annie. She likes my second mother. Where's my first one, you asks? Her job is a doctor and very busy most of the time, so Annie the one who's takes care of me most of the time. I don't have a dad.. Let's just say he lived his life long enough, before I came long....

"have a nice day! I'll pick you up at this exact spot" Annie said with her friendly smile when I hopped out

I turned to her

"all right, and I'm sure hope so" I replied back in returning the smile

I closed the car door and began walking over to the high school. Though I hear Annie drove off

I have to passed some sports fields and of course.. People. They waved at me with friendly smiles and sometimes say 'hello' or 'hi'. I however just did a smile back, being a bit shy to talk right now

Right now I'm passing the soccer field. Somehow I got an email saying my tour guide helper will meet me at the back of the school, which I have to passed the soccer field in order to do so

"heads up!" I hear someone warned me

I stopped walking and looked over my shoulder to see a red soccer ball coming my way

Oh no.

Before I can do anything the soccer ball hit me on the head, which made me fall on my back, on the grass, and made my green backpack fell beside me also. I'm like laying like a starfish, kind of

I groaned of many different emotions floading in my head right now, but I think right now is annoyance taking over

I hear some footsteps running over to me. But my eyes are closed because I don't want to be blinde of the sun

"I am so, so sorry about that. One of my teemates couldn't catch the ball" I hear a male student apologized,  "here, let me give you a hand"

I slowly opened my eyes and looked infront of me to see a male with a red soccer uniform, has dark brown hair with a center part mullet hairstlye (I think that's what you call it). Another person with him just a few inches behind was a another guy, couldn't tell what he was under all of the safety suit and helmet on him. The guy with the red soccer unfirom held out his hand, waiting for me to take it and help me up

Oh, oops.

I reached out one of my hand and our hands connected, he helped me up

"you're new around here, are you?" he suddenly asked as he looks over me to see if he knew me somewhere,  "I don't think I've seen you around before"

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