Chapter 12: Alice part 2

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I opened my eyes with plenty on my mind. The werewolf was Aiden, the girl from the picture was Roselyn, and I knew what day that vision had to be about, October 31st. The day was familiar, it was Halloween but other than that it has meant nothing to me. It felt foreign for some weird reason, like I should know what's going on that day other than Halloween but I don't. I finally focus in on reality, I heard a TV and I stared at a ceiling that wasn't mine. Aiden came into my field of vision, "Oh thank goodness you're alive," Aiden said as I sat up holding my head.
"What happened?" I asked confused, "And why would I be dead?"
"You were just looking at the picture then you fainted, I ran and got my mom but she said you would be fine because this is normal for sorceress when she sees something that is related to her close future, it was just a vision is what she said, is that true?" Aiden said quickly running her hand through her hair.
"Yeah, I guess it is, how long was I out and what time is it?" I asked as Aiden busied herself with finishing off the air mattress that she had started to put up.
"30 minutes, 1:00 AM I believe," Aiden said, "I'll be right back." She picked up some clothes and left to the bathroom down the hall. I got the idea and shut the door and got changed into sleepwear, since Aiden was taking awhile I sat on the air mattress, my phone went off and I picked it up to check who texted me but then the news caught my attention.
"-darkest day in three thousand years. Halloween just got a whole lot darker and scarier so be extra careful and remember don't look at the eclipse, there is an ancient legend that goes with the eclipse, don't look at the eclipse of darkest days only one destiny is waiting, danger and you shall never be the same. That's some dark stuff, be careful again trick or treaters and same to drivers, the school festival will still be going on at Clearview High School, home of the leopards." The annoying news lady said. Crap. The school festival is on the same day as the eclipse, I have a terrible feeling about this.
"So you heard about the eclipse too?" Aiden said on the other side of the door. I got up and opened the door for my friend and nodded.
"How'd you find out about it?" I asked.
"Roselyn had us in a group message, didn't you get the text?" Aiden asked holding up her iPhone 6 plus. I almost shook my head when I glanced down and saw three text messages from Aiden and Roselyn each.
"Oh," I said and checked the messages, they had texted all the information that I had already known.
"Yeah, we should go to sleep now, it's late," Aiden said going to her bed and shut the lights off. The news caught my attention again.
"Another reported siting of supernatural activity, a local home with a family with the last name of Parks was burnt to the ground, their names were Vega Parks and Alison Grace Parks, Vega was found dead, she had been attacked by a very large and powerful animal, then burnt by the house fire. Alison is no where to be seen, but is said to be dead," the lady said and I fell asleep after that.
ΩΩΩΩΩ in the morning ΩΩΩΩΩ
I woke up and everything was a blur until I got to school I sat in homeroom and was only half awake. But then a new kid came in.
"Listen up brats, this is Ryan a new student so be nice and Alison he is going to be next to you, he is your partner for science next period," Mrs. Bird said as Ryan walked to the seat next to me. Cute, really cute was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw him. Light brown hair and pale blue eyes. He turned and looked at me right in the eye, my ever changing eyes met his clear pale eyes, but there was something in them that I feel like he was seeing in mine, is he different, is he like me?
"Your eyes, they're beautiful," I heard him say from my cloud of thoughts.
"M-Mine?" I stuttered out. I ran a nervous hand through my hair, I felt my face heat up.
"Yeah, is it bad that I can't look away from your eyes," he said a light blush appearing on his face.
"I-I'm Alice by the way, I know she said I was Alison but I'm called Alice," I said then turned my attention to Mrs. Bird who had started science.
"Pay attention brats, you only learn this stuff once," Mrs. Bird snapped glaring at us in particular. I feel like this year will be better than last year, maybe I can learn to be normal and to love for once. Then I smelled something burning, crap.

What did ya guys and girls think? I know someone in particular who will be pleased with this chapter *cough* kmppeters *cough* you know that comment button I would really love it if you guys commented or maybe voted, please? Well peace out lovelies!

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now