Chapter 15: Aiden

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A/N: I know your wondering why Aiden again well it only feels like the natural thing.
I nodded to him "you must obey me, if it turns out you are betraying me I will personally kill you and my friends will help," I said and I smiled slightly when he nodded quickly. "Good now I have to know the name of my Beta so what is your name?" I asked.
"My name is Dylan, and I believe your name is Aiden right?" He asked.
"Hey guys hate to interrupt your alpha-beta moment but the bell just rang," Roselyn said stepping forward. I cursed under my breath before nodding and heading back downstairs back to my classroom I grabbed my stuff after apologizing to the teacher about being late back to class, I sprinted down the hallway to my next class running into a tired looking Alice.
"Hey, wait where is the other creature?" Alice asked looking around.
"You're kinda late Roselyn beat you him, I'll let Roselyn explain everything but right now I have to go," I said looking at the clock stationed a little farther down the hall, I have a minute left that means I still have time.
"Ok well we are going to the same class so I'll come with you, later I'll talk to Roselyn about it," Alice answered and started walking the rest of the way down the hallway, toward the chorus room with me. Instead of sprinting I walked with her. Something hit me right then and I turned to Alice.
"Wait doesn't the marching band go and preform on Halloween which is when the eclipse is?" I asked. Alice paled obviously not remembering that, because she is color guard so she has to be out there as well.
"Crap, we do, this isn't good and we can't go out there and preform with my hair a rainbow and Roselyn have bat wings! Everyone will know and this is bad, really bad," Alice said and shivered.
"I'm sure we can do something what do your uniforms look like?" I asked scared as well, if only or school mascot was a bat or vampire that would be so much easier.
"Nothing good enough to hide wings and a rainbow I have no idea how to-" her eyes shifted from her normal changing eye color to silver then she fell to the ground.
"Oh no, not now you can't do this right now," I whispered then picked her up and slung her onto my back and carried her and her books to chorus, I hope she wakes up soon because I can't just walk in there and have her on my back. Just as I nearing the door she woke up and I explained what happened, she nodded and got off my back and took her books, we walked inside just as the bell rang in time for class. Chorus passed uneventfully, but Alice promised to tell me about her vision because this one was a lot shorter than last time. As class ended Alice pulled me aside, we still had time to talk.
"My vision is a little too hard to explain so let me show you," Alice said.
"Show me?" I asked tilting my head.
"Yeah just trust me, it will last just as long as I saw it," Alice answered glancing around.
"Ok," I answered. Alice nodded then lifted her hand, closed her eyes then opened her eyes silver again and the world turned into a bright silver room then everything started to clear. I stood in a clearing of trees with a full moon above my head, I recognized it immediately this full moon was a super moon, it was closer to the earth and this would be the last full moon for awhile because after the eclipse there aren't any bright phases of the moon. I glanced at the line of trees and saw Alice's fake mother talking to a dark figure, then Dylan stumbled into the clearing and the dark figure turned his head, I saw red eyes gleam from the shadowy figure and he stared at Dylan until dropped to his knees, but his eyes turned the lime green color of a beta, he stood and turned half wolf and ran from the clearing. So it had been destiny that we meet and he become my beta, the dark figure was his old master but now the will of the alpha is stronger than his will. There was a screech of an owl almost that came from the figure and a new creature came into play, a griffon. His eyes turned from the sky blue of a free griffon to red, obviously captured by the figure.
"Find the female alpha, the powerful sorceress, and the vampire princess, you must kill them because they are a danger to our plan," the dark figure said, he had a dark voice that held a lot of power.
"Yes master," the griffon answered bowing.
"Do not fall me like Dylan did, now go," the dark voice rang through the clearing and he flew off into the night. Whoever this guy is he is a danger. The shadow disappeared into the mist along with Alice's "mother" but, I thought I killed her. Dammit that witch is crafty, she had actually left behind a decoy right before I entered her room. The room the turned silver again and I was back where I had been before, in the band room.

The Power of the Eclipse (COMPLETED!!) Book 1 in The Eclipse TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now